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Memorandum of Understanding with the Nevada Department of Wildlife Concerning Wildlife Management in Nevada Bureau of Land Management Wilderness Areas

NV IM-2004-012
Instruction Memorandum

In Reply Refer To:
6300 (NV-930) P

United States Department of the Interior
Nevada State Office
P.O. Box 12000 (1340 Financial Blvd)
Reno, Nevada 89520-0006

December 16, 2003

Instruction Memorandum No. NV-2004-012
Expires: 9/30/05

To: Field Managers, Winnemucca, Ely, and Las Vegas, Nevada Field Manager, Surprise Field Office, California

From: State Director, Nevada

Subject: Memorandum of Understanding with the Nevada Department of Wildlife Concerning Wildlife Management in Nevada Bureau of Land Management Wilderness Areas.

Attached for immediate implementation is a copy of a memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the Nevada Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the Nevada Department of Wildlife (NDOW) concerning wildlife management in Nevada BLM Wilderness Areas. The MOU was signed by the State Director on December 1, 2003, and became effective on December 9, 2003.

The MOU culminates almost a year of negotiations with the NDOW and satisfies a Congressional mandate in Title II, Section 208(f) of the Clark County Conservation of Public Land and Natural Resources Act of 2002, which required the Nevada BLM to "enter into a cooperative agreement with the State of Nevada" specifying the terms and conditions under which the NDOW may conduct wildlife management activities in BLM wilderness areas in Clark County. While the legislative mandate pertained only to Clark County, the MOU has been developed to cover additional wilderness areas as they are designated throughout the state. At present, the MOU pertains to designated wilderness areas in the Winnemucca, Ely and Las Vegas Field Office jurisdictions only, but as new wilderness bills are passed into law, other field offices will automatically be covered by this MOU.

The MOU has four significant sections. Section V describes the policy and criteria for approval of wildlife management activities within BLM wilderness areas in Nevada. It closely resembles the policy in Chapter III of BLM Handbook H-8560-1 entitled, "Management of Designated Wilderness Areas." Section VI provides a mechanism for the NDOW to identify all proposed wildlife projects at one time on an annual basis. Field offices are encouraged to address all anticipated projects through the annual operations and maintenance schedule. Section VII stipulates a process for actions requiring immediate attention due to unanticipated natural or human-caused circumstances that directly and immediately jeopardize the survival of fish and wildlife. Section VIII defines roles and responsibilities of both BLM and NDOW and prescribes a procedure for BLM analysis and authorization of wildlife management projects, activities, and developments within designated wilderness areas.

If you have questions or concerns about the MOU or this instruction memorandum, please contact Steve Smith in the State Office at 775-861-6477.

Meg Jensen

1- MOU between BLM and NDOW (11 pp)


Nevada State Office

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