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Electronic Notification and Access to Cultural and Paleontological Permits

NV IB-2011-009
Information Bulletin

In Reply Refer To:
8100 (NV933) P

United States Department of the Interior
Nevada State Office
P.O. Box 12000 (1340 Financial Blvd.)
Reno, Nevada 89520-0006

October 21, 2010

Information Bulletin No. 2011-009

To: District and Field Managers, Nevada

From: Michael R. Holbert Deputy State Director, Natural Resources, Lands & Planning

Subject: Electronic Notification and Access to Cultural and Paleontological Permits

This Information Bulletin serves to inform District and Field Offices that the Division of Natural Resources, Lands and Planning (NV-930) has implemented an electronic notification and access system for cultural and paleontological permits. NV-930 is responsible for issuing cultural resources permits (inventory/recordation, limited testing, and excavation), as well as paleontological permits. Hard copies of these permits are generated each time a new, modified, or renewed permit is issued. Each year, over 100 new, renewed, or modified permits are issued. In the past, hard copies of the permits, along with the accompanying letters, were sent to each District Office, as well as to other State entities such as the Harry Reid Center, Nevada State Museum and the Nevada State Historic Preservation Office. Furthermore, most District or Field Offices in Nevada maintained separate libraries of the hard copies of these permits, which required valuable time filing and updating the list of current permit holders.

To increase the efficiency of the permitting process, all existing and current Cultural and Paleontological permits are now available on NV-930’s internal Sharepoint website. Paper copies of permits will no longer be mailed to BLM offices. Permittees will continue to receive the original signed paper copies.
Permits may be accessed under the “Permit Tracking” tab at:

E-Permitting will dramatically reduce the time and cost of disseminating these permits to appropriate federal and state government entities. As permit changes are issued, the NV-930 cultural resources staff will notify via email all District and Field Office archaeologists. As permits are issued, they will be promptly uploaded onto the Sharepoint website so that District and Field Offices will have access to the most current and complete permit database at any time.

Please direct any questions or suggestions to Bryan Hockett, Associate State Archaeologist, BLM Nevada State Office at (775) 861-6546 or

Signed By:
Michael R. Holbert
Deputy State Director, Natural Resources, Lands and Planning

Authenticated By:
Ellyn Darrah
Administrative Assistant


Nevada State Office

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