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Nevada Wild Horse and Burro Volunteer Toolkit

NV IB-2007-021
Information Bulletin

In Reply Refer To:
4700 (NV-930) P

United States Department of the Interior
Nevada State Office
P.O. Box 12000 (1340 Financial Blvd)
Reno, Nevada 89520-0006

January 29, 2007

EMS TRANSMISSION January 29, 2007
Information Bulletin No. NV-2007-0021

To: Field Managers, Nevada Deputy State Directors and Staff Chiefs, NSO

From: Patrick J. Gubbins Deputy State Director, Resources, Lands and Planning

Subject: Nevada Wild Horse and Burro Volunteer Toolkit

The purpose of this Information Bulletin is to inform you the Nevada Wild Horse and Burro Volunteer Toolkit is now posted on BLM Nevada’s internal web page. To access the toolkit, click on “What we Do”, then “Volunteers”. The purpose of the Wild Horse and Burro Volunteer Toolkit is to provide field offices with the tools, flexibility and guidance needed to implement a safe, effective, and well-managed wild horse and burro volunteer program.

The Wild Horse and Burro Volunteer Toolkit was developed in response to increasing public interest in volunteering for the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) in all areas of Nevada’s wild horse and burro (WH&B) program. Potential volunteers are often interested in hands-on work with wild horses and burros (i.e. gentling/training, haltering/loading, gathering and removing animals from the range, delivering adopted animals, etc). However, working with wild horses and burros comes with inherent risk and represents significant potential liability to BLM Nevada.

Implementing a WH&B volunteer program brings BLM the responsibility for training, safety, supervision, performance evaluation and assuring individual volunteers comply with conduct and ethics requirements and other applicable BLM rules and regulations. At the same time, volunteers bring expertise, contacts, energy and enthusiasm which can expand BLM’s staffing and funding capability.

Please contact Susie Stokke of my staff if you have any questions.

Signed By:
Ron Wenker
State Director, Nevada

Authenticated By:
Ellyn Darrah
Administrative Assistant


Nevada State Office

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