This Policy is Inactive

Nevada State Office Library Cleanout Campaign

NV IB-2004-037
Information Bulletin

In Reply Refer To:
1279 (NV-954) P

United States Department of the Interior
Nevada State Office
1340 Financial Blvd.
Reno, Nevada 89502

January 23, 2004

EMS Transmission 1/23/04
Information Bulletin No. NV-2004- 037

To: BLM Employees, Nevada State Office

From: Deputy State Director, Support Services

Subject: Nevada State Office Library Cleanout Campaign

DD: 02/23/04

In order to better manage space and improve business efficiencies in Central Records it has been decided that the library area will be reduced. This reduction consists of elimination of outdated and rarely used library reference material. At this time, the Nevada State Office Library will retain U.S. Codes, Nevada State Revised Statutes, Executive Orders, Nevada Public Land Orders, Interior Decisions, Interior Board of Land Appeals, Nevada Solicitor Decisions, BLM Manuals and Public Land Statistics.

All library material will be reviewed by the State Records Manager prior to removal. State Office Managers are being asked to consult with employees to determine if reference material relevant to their program, needs to be retained by the program office. This review and determination should be completed by February 23, 2004.

The Bureau Library in Denver maintains a large library collection of reference materials and is ready to assist you with any requests you may have.

Please direct any questions or concerns to Joanne Woodruff, State Records Manager at (775) 861-6461.

Signed by:
David D. Morlan

Authenticated by:
Joanne Woodruff
State Records Manager


Nevada State Office

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