Permanent Change of Station (PCS) Coordination

NM IM-2012-019
Instruction Memorandum

Program Area: Permanent Change of Station

Purpose: This Instruction Memorandum is to inform management the National Operations Center (NOC) is now responsible for all PCS moves. It also outlines the responsibilities of the NOC and the State Office staff.

Policy/Action: The transfer of responsibility from the State Office to the NOC will be seamless for management and new/transferred employees; however, the process will change for the Human Resources (HR) staff and the Budget Officer. The PCS process will start when HR faxes the NOC a copy of the selection letter. Human Resources will no longer send out the PCS packet to employees with the selection letter. Human Resources will only send out the forms that pertain to HR functions. The NOC PCS Specialist will forward the necessary PCS forms to the employee.

Timeframe: Effective immediately, PCS Coordination duties have been assigned to the Travel Section at the National Operations Center. PCS authorizations created before
March 2, 2012 will be processed by Darlene Ortiz until closed.

Budget Impact: No budget impact is expected.

Background: New Mexico is joining the other State Offices being provided PCS services by NOC PCS Specialists. It was determined that most States had employees whose PCS responsibilities were additional duties; while some States were providing PCS services for other States. The consolidation of PCS services at the NOC should provide consistency and efficiencies.

Manual/Handbook Sections: No changes anticipated, guidance will remain the same.

Coordination: Coordination took place at the National level with all States. Coordination with New Mexico took place with the NOC and Deputy State Director (DSD) for Support Services, the New Mexico PCS Coordinator, Human Resources, and Budget Officer.

Contacts: The point of contact at the NOC will be Chris Barned, OC-620.

Following individuals have assigned functions directly related to PCS support and processing:
• PCS Coordinator – David Sinclair, Primary and Elizabeth Vargas, Alternate (responsible for providing funding, and obtaining required approvals on the Travel Authorization)
• New Employee’s Supervisor— Entrance on Duty Date
• Approving Official – Rosemary Herrell, DSD, Support Services

If you have any questions regarding this transition, please contact Darlene Ortiz, Property Management Specialist, at (505) 954-2117.

/s/Audrey Hall-Carson
Audrey Hall-Carson
Acting DSD, Support Services

Fiscal Year