New Mexico State Office (NMSO) Warehouse Delivery Policy

NM IM-2012- 007
Instruction Memorandum

Program Area: Warehouse Shipping and Receiving.

Purpose: Implement a Warehouse Shipping and Receiving Policy for the NMSO facility at 301 Dinosaur Trail, Santa Fe, New Mexico. This Policy is developed to maintain a secure complex and to be compliant with Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12 (HSPD-12) requirements by limiting public access to the warehouse.

Policy/Action: The only delivery accepted at the reception desk is mail from the United States Post Office, delivery from United Parcel Service (UPS), and FedEx; when a hand truck is not required. Large deliveries from UPS and FedEx are to be delivered to the warehouse.

When placing large orders, the requisitioner and contracting officer must include instructions for vendors to coordinate their delivery with the NMSO warehouseman at 505-954-2063, especially if a forklift will be required to unload the shipment. The forklift can only be operated by a Bureau of Land Management (BLM) card carrying certified forklift operator.

Deliveries will be accepted between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Guaranteed delivery time for FedEx is 12:00 p.m. and scheduled pick up time is 2:00 p.m. The NMSO does not have a service agreement with UPS. Whenever UPS makes a delivery, they will take any UPS return shipments that have accumulated. Small UPS return packages may be left at the reception desk. Large UPS return packages should be left at the warehouse credenza.

An intercom/telephone located above the smart card reader at the warehouse gate is used by delivery personnel to let the receptionist know they have a delivery to make at the warehouse.

The receptionist will immediately page the appropriate employee to open the gate and accept the delivery.

Points of Contact

Primary employee for trucking firm - Danny Garcia
Secondary employees - Thom Maestas, Carlos Martinez, and Marcella Montoya

Primary employee for UPS and FedEx – Ferne Lovelace
Secondary employees - Teresa Perez and Danny Garcia

Semi-trucks (18-wheelers) cannot exit the property by driving around the back of the building. Receiving official will open the gate so the trucker can back up onto Dinosaur Trail. Receiving official should offer to act as a spotter for the trucker.

Supervisors are responsible for informing their employees and all newly hired employees of the Warehouse Delivery Policy.

Timeframe: Immediately.

Budget Impact: None.

Background: Reissue and update.

Manual/Handbook Sections Affected: None.

Contact: Questions concerning this Policy should be directed to the Deputy State Director, Support Services at 505-954-2074.

Authenticated by: 
Kristen Ruiz Jimenez

Signed by:
Rosemary Herrell

Fiscal Year