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State Science Committee Charter

Information Bulletin No. MT-2017-020
Information Bulletin

Information Bulletin No. MT-2017-020

To: All Montana/Dakotas Employees

From: Acting State Director

Subject: State Science Committee Charter

The State Science Committee was established by IM No. MT-2016-023 to implement the national science strategy. This IB releases the Committee’s Charter approving their Mission and overall operating direction.

Specific elements of the charter include: (1) Committee Mission, (2) Background and Scope, (3) Oversight, (4) Membership and Operating Guidelines, (5) Committee Functions, (6) Meetings, (7) Status Reports, (8) Funding and Support, and (9) Charter Modifications.

Key contacts are: Committee Chair: Michael Philbin, Branch Chief for Biological Resources and Science Management Representative: Scott Haight, Butte Field Office Manager

Signed by:                                                                                                    Authenticated by:
Jon K. Raby                                                                                                 Janie Fox
Acting State Director                                                                                   Staff Assistant (MT930)

1 Attachment
      1-State Science Committee Charter (4 pp)

Fiscal Year