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Data Storage and File Cleanup

IM WY P 2018-004
Instruction Memorandum

In Reply Refer To:
1283-3 (950) P

August 14, 2018

Permanent Instruction Memorandum No. WY-P-IM-2018-004

To:         All BLM Wyoming Employees
From:    Associate State Director
Subject:    Data Storage and File Cleanup  

Program Area: Data Management 

Purpose: This Instruction Memorandum (IM) transmits policy and guidance for improving the management of digital files (Word, Excel, pdf, photos, aerial and satellite imagery, etc.) on the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Wyoming servers.  The goal is to minimize data storage and backup costs on network servers, and to support a strategy of data management best practices.  

Policy/Action: This policy requires users to reduce the number of files on user and shared drives including “pub” and “common” folders.  This policy requires managers/supervisors to work with their employees to clean up data on respective storage devices. 

BLM data may not be stored on disconnected hard drives where it is not backed up as part of the daily procedure.  All geospatial data is to be accessed and stored in Wyoming’s enterprise Geospatial Information System at the NOC. 

Timeframe: Immediate and ongoing.  

Budget Impact: There will be a level of effort and hours required for employees to complete the tasks required in this IM. There will be a positive budget impact from reduced backup costs.

Background: The BLM spends millions of dollars to manage, backup and store files on network servers. As the number of files increase so does the total costs of storage and backing up data. Duplicate files make up a significant percentage of the storage. Lack of file management and good business processes affects the availability of space for new project data, costs a tremendous amount of money to manage, and presents significant challenges to data backup and disaster recovery techniques.

Shared storage space (usually the S drive but includes “pub” and “common” folders) is intended to be used for storing program relevant data that may be used by multiple individuals in support of mission and support functions. This shared space may also contain authoritative versions of decision documents, reference materials and other shareable work products. 

User space (usually the U drive) is intended to be used for individual storage needs in support of programs and support functions. Work-in-progress documents that are shared with others should not be stored on the User drive. The User drive is not intended to house authoritative decision documents or other final work products. Moreover, the User drive is not intended to store personal files such as photos or copyrighted files. 

Files stored in user and shared locations are subject to discovery litigation and Freedom of Information Act requests.
Manual/Handbook Sections Affected: None affected.
Coordination:  This IM has been coordinated with the State Records Manager, the Government Information Specialist, and the Wyoming Senior Leadership Team. 

Contact: Questions may be directed to Denise Larson, at (307) 775-6289, or

Signed by:                                     Authenticated by:
Larry Claypool                              Jessica Camargo
Associate State Director                State Director’s Office

WO (870) (Attn: Susan Gabriel-Smith)    1
Central Files                    2


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