Update of the BLM Wyoming Minimum Price List for Forest and Vegetative Products, Management of the 9120 Road Maintenance Account, and Forest Products Special Stipulations

IM WY 2014-019
Instruction Memorandum

United States Department of the Interior
Wyoming State Office
P.O. Box 1828
Cheyenne, Wyoming 82009-1828
5420 (930) P
March 7, 2014
Instruction Memorandum No. WY-2014-019
Expires: 09/30/2015
To: District Managers
Attention: District/Zone Foresters
From: State Director
Subject: Update of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Wyoming Minimum Price
List for Forest and Vegetative Products, Management of the 9120 Road
Maintenance Account, and Forest Products Special Stipulations
Program Area: Forestry
Purpose: This minimum forest and vegetative product price list updates and replaces the BLM
Wyoming Instruction Memorandum (IM) No.WY-2009-013. The list shows both hundred cubic
feet (CCF) and thousand board feet (MBF) pricing schemes along with their average conversion
factors. A minimum pricing schedule is included for all Special Forest Products (SFP) sales,
both personal and commercial. This IM also establishes a standard BLM Wyoming Forest
Product Cutting Permit Special Provisions to be included with each Personal Use Vegetative
Cash Sale Contract (Form 5450-24). Direction is given for managing the 9120 Road
Maintenance Account.
Policy/Action: The prices shown in Attachment 1 are minimum prices for forest product sales.
Fair market value must be determined, as required by regulation, by accepted appraisal methods.
However, where it is determined that fair market value is less than the minimum product price
shown on the attached list; the product can be sold for less than the minimum product price.
Authorized Officers may use the minimum price listing schedule as a basis to sell forest products
when no market data exists to conduct an appraisal. Appraisal information must be documented
in the official case file for the project.
SFP sales will utilize the 5450-24 electronic format unless special circumstances dictate
otherwise. This is a cash sale contract and must be paid in full prior to issuance of the contract.

The 9120 Road Maintenance Subactivity funds are derived from the sale of forest products and
are to be used only for the repair or maintenance of roads that service forest product harvest
areas. This subactivity is managed by the BLM Wyoming State Forestry Lead. Roads servicing
forest product harvest areas that require maintenance will be evaluated by the District/Field
Office Forester and District/Zone Engineer for cost estimates. Requests to access funds in this
subactivity will be submitted to the State Forestry Lead for approval and transfer of funds.
The Authorized Officer will determine when it is appropriate to collect road maintenance fees on
sales of forest or vegetative products. When collected, the minimum road maintenance fee will
be 20 percent of the total value of the product(s) being sold. This figure will be rounded to the
nearest whole dollar. Fees collected for road maintenance will be deposited to the 9120 account.
Each Personal Use purchaser of a Vegetative Sale permit will sign the attached Forest Product
Cutting Permit Special Provisions document. Personal use (as defined by CFR43-5400.0-5
Definitions) will use the form unaltered. Commercial Use (as defined by CFR43-5400.0-5
Definitions) permits will have a notation in the notes section to exclude Item #2 of the Special
Provisions. A copy will be filed with the Field Office copy of the 5450-24 form. The person
purchasing the permit will have a signed copy of these Special Provisions in their possession
when gathering forest products on BLM lands covered under the permit. All purchasers will be
issued SFP load tickets which must be affixed to the SFP before being transported.
Timeframe: Effective immediately.
Budget Impact: This may reduce the time associated with issuance of small special forest
product permits.
Background: The existing price list is from 2009 and the IM is expired. This IM reflects new
prices and continues the standardized statewide special provisions stipulation document to the
vegetative sales permit process.
Manual/Handbook Sections Affected: 43 CFR Subpart 5400 – Sales of Forest Products and
43 CFR 8365.1-5 Property and Resources. This IM provides for establishment of a minimum
acceptable price schedule for commonly used forest products from Wyoming Forest and Range
Lands. This also replaces the February 1994 Wyoming Supplement to the H-5420 – Preparation
for Sale, Release 5-17, Forest Products Standards and Minimum Price List.
Coordination: This IM was coordinated with the Division of Support Services, Engineering and
Property Team (WY 951), Law Enforcement (WY-911), the Districts and the Field Foresters.
Contact: If you have questions pertaining to the sale of forest products or the 9120 Subactivity,
please contact Bob Means, Forestry Program Lead at (307) 775-6287.
Signed by: Authenticated by:
Buddy Green Sherry Dixon
Acting State Director Administrative Assistant

2 Attachments:
1- BLM Wyoming Forest/Vegetative Product Minimum Price List, February 2013 (2 pp)
2- Forest Product Personal Use Cutting Permit Special Provisions (2 pp)

Asst. Director (200), 1849 C Street NW, Rm. 5644 1 w/atchs.

CF 1 w/atchs.


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