Transmittal of Mineral Materials Memorandum of Understanding

IM WY 2013-046
Instruction Memorandum

3600 (922Sokolosky) P
September 26, 2013
EMS TRANSMISSION: October 22, 2013
Instruction Memorandum No. WY-2013-046
Expires 09/30/2014
To: District Managers
From: Deputy State Director, Division of Minerals and Lands
Subject: Transmittal of Mineral Materials Memorandum of Understanding
Program Area: Disposal of mineral materials pursuant to 43 CFR Part 3600
Purpose: This Instruction Memorandum transmits the memorandum of understanding (MOU) between
the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Wyoming and the Land Quality Division (LQD) of the
Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality regarding the testing and sampling and the disposal of
mineral materials through competitive and noncompetitive contract sales.
Policy/Action: The Authorized Officer (AO) and AO’s Representative for mineral material disposal
actions are to closely coordinate with their counterparts with the LQD when processing mineral material
disposal actions, excepting free use permits, community pits and common use areas; assure bonding held
by the LQD is adequate in case there is default; conduct joint inspects of contract sales and, testing and
sampling under letters of authorization; enforce the terms of said sales and authorizations; jointly inspect
reclamation; and come to consensus if a bond can be released or if it should be forfeited.
Timeframe: This Instruction Memorandum (IM) is effective immediately
Budget Impact: Minimal
Manual/Handbook Sections Affected: The guidance regarding the administration of mineral material
actions in BLM Manual 3600- Mineral Material Disposal (2/22/02), Mineral Material Disposal Handbook
H-3600-1 (2/22/02), Mineral Material Appraisal Handbook H-3630-1 (8/26/86) and Mineral Material
Trespass Prevention and Abatement Handbook H-9235-1 (4/7/94) and, Case Recordation data standards
posted at and in Appendix 5 of H-3600-1
will continue to be followed. The MOU replaces the prior BLM/State of Wyoming MOU WY-93
regarding Mineral Materials, dated August 8, 1984.
Background: The regulation by the BLM and LQD of mineral materials on the National System of Public
Lands has changed substantially since August 1984. The roles and responsibilities of each agency needed
to be updated so duplication of effort could be avoided and interagency coordination strengthen.
United States Department of the Interior
Wyoming State Office
P.O. Box 1828
Cheyenne, Wyoming 82009-1828
Coordination: Representatives from Field Offices, the Wyoming State Office and the LQD collaborated
in the drafting of an MOU starting in 2006. Comments regarding the draft MOU were solicited from all
by Field Offices pursuant to IM No. WY-2008-12. Modifications were recommended following reviews
of the revised working draft by the Office of the Regional Solicitor in Denver, Colorado and the Attorney
General Office of the State of Wyoming. Final edits to the working draft MOU and operating guidelines
were made following recent BLM and LQD interagency meetings.
Contact: If you have questions, please contact Pete Sokolosky at 307-775-6261.
Signed by: Authenticated by:
Brenda V Neuman Sherry Dixon
Acting Deputy State Director Administrative Assistant
Minerals and Lands
1 - Memorandum of Understanding and Operating Guidelines (pp 41)
Director (320), 20 M Street, SE, Room 2134LM 1 (w/atch.)
Field Managers 1 (w/atch.)
CF 2 (w/atch.)


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