Wyoming Coal Lease-by-Application (LBA) Processing Responsibilities

IM WY 2013-040
Instruction Memorandum

3425 (922Ogle) P
July 8, 2013
Instruction Memorandum No. WY-2013-040
Expires: 9/30/2014
To: District Managers
From: Deputy State Director, Division of Minerals and Lands
Subject: Wyoming Coal Lease-by-Application (LBA) Processing Responsibilities
Program Area: Coal Leasing Program
Purpose: The purpose of this instructional memorandum (IM) is to summarize the steps and identify
responsibilities for processing Federal coal LBAs filed in Wyoming.
Policy/Action: The Wyoming Coal LBA procedure is intended to be followed by all Bureau of Land
Management (BLM) Wyoming employees when processing a Federal coal tract LBA in Wyoming.
The objective of this policy is to ensure consistency, efficiency, and thoroughness in processing coal
Timeframe: This IM is effective upon receipt and will remain in effect until further notice.
Budget Impact: None
Background: Since 2005, the BLM Wyoming coal program has processed numerous LBAs. During
that time, the management structure of BLM Wyoming changed from a 2-Tier to a 3-Tier structure,
shifting responsibilities for many processing steps, including environmental approvals, from the State
Office to the District and/or Field Office levels. In addition, the coal program staff has prepared
responses to numerous legal challenges and Freedom of Information Act requests.
In late 2011, Wyoming coal program staff working in the Powder River Coal Region met to discuss
the BLM leasing process during the previous six year period. As a result of this meeting, changes in
delegation of authority, and other recent experiences; the BLM Wyoming coal program is
implementing changes and clarifications to the LBA processing procedure.
The processing of LBAs can be divided into eight steps;
1. Review and Adjudicate Application,
2. Powder River Regional Coal Team Review (only for LBAs in the Powder River Coal Region),
United States Department of the Interior
Wyoming State Office
P.O. Box 1828
Cheyenne, Wyoming 82009-1828
3. Establish an LBA Team, Establish a Cost Recovery Account, and Determine a Study Area,
4. Prepare the National Environmental Policy Act document,
5. Develop Tract Delineation,
6. Determine Fair Market Value and Maximum Economic Recovery,
7. Offer the Tract for Lease Sale, and
8. Lease Issuance.
A general summary of the steps for a LBA process for Wyoming is presented in Attachment 1.
Included is an identification of the BLM Wyoming office with lead responsibility for each step of the
process. Also addressed are the major interactions of other BLM offices with the lead office.
Manual/Handbook Sections Affected: None.
Coordination: This process was developed in coordination with BLM Wyoming staff from the State
Office, High Plains District Office, and High Desert District Office, Rock Springs Field Office,
Kemmerer Field Office, and Rawlins Field Office.
Contact: All questions regarding this memorandum should be directed to Brenda Vosika Neuman,
307-775-6179 or Kathy Muller Ogle, 307-775-6206.
Signed by: Authenticated by:
Larry Claypool Sherry Dixon
Deputy State Director, Administrative Assistant
Minerals and Lands
1 Attachment
1 – Major Steps and Associated Responsibilities for Federal Coal Lease by Applications in
Wyoming (8 pp)
Director (100), Room 5660, MIB 1 (w/o atchs.)
Field Managers 1 (w/atchs)
CF 2 (w/atchs.)


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