National Rangeland Inventory, Monitoring, and Evaluation (RIME) Report

IM WY 2012-048
Instruction Memorandum

In Reply Refer To: 4400 (930) P September 7, 2012 EMS TRANSMISSION: September 11, 2012 Instruction Memorandum No. WY-2012-048 Expires: 09/30/2013 To: District Managers From: Deputy State Director, Resources Policy and Management Subject: National Rangeland Inventory, Monitoring, and Evaluation (RIME) Report DD: 10/5/2012 Program Area: Rangeland Management Purpose: The National Operations Center (NOC) is collecting information for the Fiscal_Year 2013 RIME Report. This Instruction Memorandum (IM) transmits the NOC’s data request in their subject IM OC-2012-061, which can be found at: http://teamspace/oc/sites/prog_rmfoia/NOC%20Instruction%20Memorandums%20IM%202012/ IM%20OC-2012-061.pdf Policy/Action: Please follow the instructions in IM OC-2012-061 with the following additions/modifications specific to the Wyoming Bureau of Land Management (BLM): 1. Submit the 2012 RIME Report data for each Field Office to the Wyoming State Office by October 5, 2012, so that it may be reviewed and forwarded to the NOC in a timely manner. 2. If the due date to the Wyoming State Office cannot be met, please coordinate an extension with Mark Goertel, using the contact information below. 3. Disregard the attachment in IM OC-2012-061 because it does not contain all of the RIME report tables. To submit your data, use the attached template RIME report tables in this IM (i.e. WY-2013-). United States Department of the Interior BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT Wyoming State Office P.O. Box 1828 Cheyenne, Wyoming 82009-1828 IN REPLY REFER TO: 2 4. The allotment and acreage figures that are entered into the RIME report need to be consistent with the allotment and acreage figures in Rangeland Administration System (RAS). Whenever there is an allotment loss or gain and whenever there is an acreage loss or gain in an allotment, that change is supposed to be updated in the RAS database; therefore, it would also be reflected in the RIME report data. As a result, the allotment numbers and acreages you are reporting in Tables 3, 5, and 7 should be consistent with the allotment numbers and acreages in Table 4 (and 6) of the FY 12 Wyoming RIME report, which is generated by the NOC using RAS and is attached to this IM for your use in this effort. 5. The total Federal acreage column in Table 3 is referring to total Federal acreage within all grazing allotments for a Field Office. It cannot/should not be higher or lower than what is shown for total acreages of all allotments for a Field Office in Tables 4 and 6, which is generated from RAS by the NOC for the RIME report. It should be the same total allotment acres as reported in Tables 4 and 6. Also, Table 3 total Federal acreage (i.e. allotment acreage) should equal the total acreage in Table 7B Category G. 6. Do not use ML target accomplishments for reporting Table 5. Report the numbers using the guidance outlined in H-4400-1 (Release 4-98 and 4-100). 7. If an allotment is reassessed and determined to be in a new category column in Table 7B, you must subtract it and the acreage from its old category column before adding it to the new category column. This is the same procedure when action is finally taken for not meeting standards due to livestock. It is in a new category and that needs to be tracked in Table 7B. 8. If you are including information in your Field Office’s RIME report with data from other Field Offices because you administer some of their allotments, make a note of it in your submission to the State Office. Identify the allotments, acreages, and the neighboring Field Office to which they belong so that we can add it as a footnote in the report. Coordinate this with your neighboring Field Office so allotments and acreages are not counted twice. This will help us justify why there would be a discrepancy between RAS and the RIME report. 9. Do not write over the formulas in the RIME report Tables. If the calculations are different from what you expect, work with the data in the cells the formula is referencing. Timeframe: This IM is effective upon receipt. The due date for Field Office submissions to the State Office is October 5, 2012. 3 Budget Impact: The effect of this IM on the budget is minimal because the required tasks have been reduced and no additional data are being requested in comparison with previous years. Background: The RIME report is completed annually in accordance with policy contained in the BLM Handbook H-4400-1 (Release 4-98 and 4-100) and the BLM Manual Handbook 4180-1 (Release 1-107, dated January 19, 2001). Manual or Handbook Sections Affected: The BLM Handbook H-4400-1 (Release 4-98 and 4-100) and the BLM Manual Handbook 4180-1 (Release 1-107, dated January 19, 2001). Coordination: Policy/Action within this IM was coordinated with WY930. Contact: Mark Goertel, Wyoming Range Program Lead, at 307-775-6194. Signed By: Authenticated By: Marty Griffith Sherry Dixon 2 Attachments: 1 - RIME Report Tables (12 pp) 2 - FY 12 WY Table 4 RIME Report (1 p) Distribution Director (230), Room 204, LS 1 (w/o atchs.) CF 1 (w/atchs.)


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Fiscal Year