Seed Collection and Pricing Policy

IM WY 2011-037
Instruction Memorandum

United States Department of the Interior
Wyoming State Office
P.O. Box 1828
IN REPLY REFER TO: Cheyenne, Wyoming 82009-1828
5400 (930) P
July 20, 2011
Instruction Memorandum No. WY-2011-037
Expires: 9/30/2012
To: District Managers
From: State Director
Subject: Seed Collection and Pricing Policy
Program Area: Forestry, Vegetative Contracts, Range, Threatened and Endangered Species,
Purpose: This Instruction Memorandum (IM) updates and supersedes IM No.WY-2008- 036,
Seed Collection and Pricing Policy
Background: Current BLM policy allows the sale and collection of plant seed on Bureau
managed lands. There has been a steady and continuing demand for seed collection by the
public in Wyoming.
Policy/Action: BLM Wyoming will allow for the sale and collection of native plant seeds based
on compliance with the direction contained in the attachments listed below.
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Requirements and Collection Protocols:
See Attachment 1 for the NEPA. Requirements and Collection Protocols for the
collection protocols and NEPA requirements for seed collection.
Seed Pricing and Appraisal Protocols: See Attachment 2 for the seed pricing and
approved product appraisal protocols.
Permit Forms, Accounting Information and Reporting Requirements: See
Attachment 3 for the required vegetative permits, accounting information and reporting
Recommended Special Provisions for All Permits or Contracts issued under this
direction: See Attachment 4 for the recommended minimum special provisions to be
Road Maintenance Fee: An additional fee may be assesses for road maintenance.
Please refer to the direction in IM No. WY-2009-013 for appropriate usage of the 9120
Timeframe: This IM is effective upon receipt.
Budget Impacts: None are anticipated.
Manual/Handbook Sections Affected: None.
Coordination: This IM was coordinated among the Forestry, Botany, Range Management,
Wilderness, Threatened and Endangered Species (WY-930), Law Enforcement (WY-911),
Accounts and Receiving (WY-951), District Resource Advisors, and District Foresters.
Contact: For questions concerning this IM please contact Bob Means, Forestry program lead at
(307) 775-6287. For collection protocols for T&E species or BLM Wyoming sensitive species
contact Chris Keefe, Threatened and Endangered Species program lead at (307) 775-6101. For
questions about the Seeds of Success program and collection protocols or species specific
collection guidance contact Adrienne Pilmanis, Botany program lead, at (307) 775- 6035.
Signed by: Authenticated by:
Donald A. Simpson Sherry Dixon
State Director Secretary
4 Attachments:
1 - NEPA Requirements and Collection Protocols (1 p)
2 - Seed Pricing and Appraisal Protocols (1 p)
3 - Appropriate Permit Forms, Accounting Information and TSIS Reporting
Requirements (2 pp)
4 - Recommended Special Provisions (1 p)
Director (270), Room 1025, LS 1 (w/o atch.)
Field Managers 1 (w/atch.)
CF 2 (w/atch.)


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