State of Wyoming Agency New Addresses and Contacts

IM WY 2011-034
Instruction Memorandum

United States Department of the Interior
Wyoming State Office
P.O. Box 1828
IN REPLY REFER TO: Cheyenne, Wyoming 82009-1828
1610 (930) P
June 14, 2011
Instruction Memorandum No. WY-2011-034
Expires: 9/30/12
To: District Managers
From: State Director
Subject: State of Wyoming Agency New Addresses and Contacts
Following recent discussions with the State of Wyoming, this Instruction Memorandum (IM) will change
the contact list and contact procedures for Governor Mead’s staff, and to add new agency contacts for
review and receipt of environmental documents. The Governor’s Policy Office will replace the
Governor’s Planning Office of the previous administration. Changes to staff and agency personnel are
noted below.
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has agreed to update the review procedures of environmental
documents to reflect the State's current organization and staffing and changes in agency personnel. This
IM is a reissue/update of WY IM No.-2010-014 with the exception of the following information: e-mail
addresses for several State agencies contacts have been updated, and some personnel have been added
and/or changed. The following environmental documents for review are to be sent to State agencies
1. All Resources Management Plan Environmental Impact Statements (EIS), including Draft and Final
2. All project EISs including Drafts and Finals;
3. Major Environmental Assessments (EA) for significant Activity Plans (i.e., Allotment Management
Plans, Herd Management Plans, etc.), unique proposals, or other actions deemed significant by the Field
Manager or specifically requested by State agencies.
Effective immediately: Send one copy of all environmental documents requiring review directly to each
of the appropriate State agencies. A matrix (Attachment 1) showing which State agencies desire to
review copies of environmental documents addressing specific actions proposed for BLM-administered
lands and minerals is attached. An updated list of the State agency addresses and electronic mail contacts
are also included (Attachment 2). Please note, one copy of the environmental document will always be
sent to the Governor’s Policy Office, the State Department of Game and Fish, State Historic Preservation
Office (SHPO), Department of Agriculture, and the Office of State Lands and Investments. The BLM
Field Offices will continue to send review and comment copies of environmental documents to their
associated regional Game and Fish offices as agreed to before.
The State would prefer an electronic copy of the environmental document be sent to the electronic
inboxes of the contacts listed on Attachment 2. To comply with BLM e-mailing conventions, only send
electronic documents through the mail if they meet the BLM email size requirements. When working
with large documents (3 Megabytes or larger), first send an electronic message to the recipient notifying
them that the document is available for viewing on line or as a compact disc (CD). In the message, note
the website address where the document may be viewed. The State's second preferred medium would be
to have a CD sent to the individual State agencies. Provide a statement in your message that directs the
recipient to request that a CD version be sent to the reviewer(s) through the mail.
If neither of these electronic media is available, a printed "hardcopy" paper format may be sent.
When transmitting an environmental document to the State, place in the upper right corner of the
memorandum or in the subject line in an electronic message, the number used in the NEPA Registers to
aid in tracking.
Provide the State with the same comment period that you have established for public review. The
individual State agencies will send comments directly to the requesting BLM Field Office with a copy of
their comments sent to the Governor’s Policy Office. If no comments are provided by the State agencies
within the allotted time assume no comments will be provided and move forward with the NEPA process.
This procedure will also apply to the 60-day consistency review period by the Governor required for
Resource Management Plans (RMP) 43 CFR 1610.3-2e.
If you have any questions or need more information about this process, contact Chuck Otto at
307-775-6105 or Chris Carlton at 307-775-6227.
Signed by: Authenticated by:
Donald A. Simpson Sherry Dixon
State Director Secretary
2 Attachments
1 – Matrix (1 p)
2 – State of Wyoming Agency Addresses and Contacts (4 pp)


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