Special Forest Product (SFP) Load Ticket Color Synchronization by Calendar Year

IM WY 2011-030
Instruction Memorandum

United States Department of the Interior
Wyoming State Office
P.O. Box 1828
IN REPLY REFER TO: Cheyenne, Wyoming 82009-1828
5420(930) P
April 12, 2011
EMS TRANSMISSION: April 13, 2011
Instruction Memorandum No. WY-2011-030
Expires 9/30/2012
To: District Managers
From: State Director
Subject: Special Forest Product (SFP) Load Ticket Color Synchronization by Calendar
Purpose: Timber trespass is an on-going issue throughout the Wyoming Bureau of Land
Management (BLM), this action will decrease the potential for timber trespass and assist in
providing a pro-active prevention program in the Special Forest Product (SFP) arena. SFP load
tickets are required to be used by the public who purchase SFP from the Wyoming BLM. Color
synchronization by calendar year of all three of the SFP load tickets used in Wyoming will assist
the field and law enforcement personnel in ensuring that the public are harvesting/collecting
appropriately paid for SFP in the year that they are purchased and are not re-using load tickets by
providing a simple color coded surveillance system.
Policy/Action: Color synchronization will be based on the standard BLM Christmas Tree Tag
colors and their years of usage. The colors to be used for SFP and their years of use are the
1. Yellow – Calendar years 2011, 2014, 2017 (Attachment 1).
2. Pink – Calendar years 2012, 2015, 2018 (Attachment 2).
3. Orange – Calendar years 2013, 2016, 2019 (Attachment 3).
4. Blue and green – to be used for other identified uses by the Field Office (FO)/ District.
This may include green wood fuelwood cutting units, specific post and pole units, cabin
logs, or other purposes that the office wants to track separately for administrative
purposes (Attachment 4).
5. The Kemmerer and Pinedale FOs, by agreement with the Bridger-Teton National
Forest, use the joint USFS/BLM Christmas tree tags. These two FOs are exempted from
using the BLM specific color coded Christmas tree tags.
6. The Special Forest Product Load Ticket (Form WY-5400-01) will be distributed to the
forestry staff concurrent with the issuance of this IM.
7. The yellow and orange Firewood Permit (WY-2920-01 – optional use) are back
ordered through the Government Printing Office and will be distributed when they arrive
in the latter part of April 2011.
Budget Impact: With the exception of the purchase of the different colored SFP load tickets
(estimated to be $500.00 statewide), there is no anticipated impact.
Background: Wyoming BLM currently uses three different SFP load tickets, Christmas Tree
Tag (BLM Form 5450-10b), Special Forest Product Load Ticket (Form WY-5400-01), and the
Firewood Permit (WY-2920-01 – optional use). Through the years and based on availability
different colors have been used without any standardization throughout the State except for the
Christmas Tree Tag. This has lead to variation between the FOs and makes visual inspection of
special forest permits difficult by law enforcement and other field going personnel. The
potential exists for the public to use these load tickets in years other that when they were bought
or to re-use these load tickets for products not paid for.
Manual/Handbook Sections Affected: None
Coordination: This Instruction Memorandum has been coordinated with Law Enforcement
(WY-911), the Districts, and the Field Foresters.
Contact: If you have questions pertaining to the use of SFP load tickets, please contact
Bob Means, Forestry Program Lead at (307) 775-6287.
Signed by: Authenticated by:
Larry Claypool Sherry Dixon
Acting State Director Secretary
4 Attachments:
1 - Attachment 1- SFP Tags to be used in Calendar Years 2011, 2014, 2017, etc. (1 p.)
2 - Attachment 2- SFP Tags to be used in Calendar Years 2012, 2015, 2018, etc. (1 p.)
3 - Attachment 3- SFP Tags to be used in Calendar Years 2013, 2016, 2019, etc. (1 p.)
4 - Attachment 4- Optional SFP Tags to be used for FO/District Identified SFP Use (1 p.)
Director (200), Room 3326, MIB 1 (w/o atach.)
CF 2 (w/atach.)


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