National Rangeland Inventory, Monitoring, and Evaluation (RIME) Report

IM WY 2010-049
Instruction Memorandum

United States Department of the Interior
Wyoming State Office
P.O. Box 1828
IN REPLY REFER TO: Cheyenne, Wyoming 82009-1828
4400 (930) P
September 22, 2010
EMS TRANSMISSION: September 29, 2010
Instruction Memorandum No. WY-2010-049
Expires: 09/30/2011
To: District Managers
From: Deputy State Director, Resources Policy and Management
Subject: National Rangeland Inventory, Monitoring, and Evaluation (RIME) Report
DD 9/27/10
Program Area: Rangeland Management
Purpose: The National Operations Center (NOC) is collecting information for the Fiscal_Year
2010 Rangeland Inventory Monitoring and Evaluation (RIME) Report. This Instruction
Memorandum (IM) transmits the NOC’s data request in their subject IM, found at:
Please follow the instructions in IM OC-2010-042 with the following additions/modifications
specific to the Wyoming Bureau of Land Management:
1. Submit the 2010 RIME Report data for each Field Office to the Wyoming State Office by
September 27, 2010.
2. If the due date to the Wyoming State Office cannot be met, please coordinate an
extension with Mark Goertel, using the contact information below.
Timeframe: This IM is effective upon receipt. The due date for Field Office submissions to the
State Office is September 27, 2010.
Budget Impact: The effect of this IM on the budget is minimal because the required tasks have
been reduced and no additional data are being requested, in comparison with previous years.
Background: The RIME report is completed annually in accordance with policy contained in
the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Handbook H-4400-1 (Release 4-98 and 4-100), and the
BLM Manual Handbook 4180-1 (Release 1-107, dated January 19, 2001).
Manual or Handbook Sections Affected: The BLM Handbook H-4400-1 (Release 4-98 and 4-
100), and the BLM Manual Handbook 4180-1 (Release 1-107, dated January 19, 2001).
Coordination: Policy/Action within this IM was coordinated with Resource Advisors in August
Contacts: If you have any questions regarding this IM, please contact Mark Goertel, Wyoming
Range Program Lead, at 307-775-6194.
Signed by: Authenticated by:
Bill Hill Pamela D. Hernandez
Deputy State Director, Resources Policy Secretary, Division of Support Services
And Management
1 Attachment
1 – National Rangeland Inventory, Monitoring, and Evaluation (RIME) Report (3 pp)
Director (230), Room 204, LS 1 (w/o atch.)
Field Managers 1 (w/atch.)
CF 2 (w/atch.)


National Office

Fiscal Year