Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Code for Administrative Program Support Costs – Formerly 0777

IM WY 2010-028
Instruction Memorandum

United States Department of the Interior
Wyoming State Office
P.O. Box 1828
IN REPLY REFER TO: Cheyenne, Wyoming 82009-1828
1680 (950) P
April 21, 2010
EMS Transmission: April 21, 2010
Instruction Memorandum No. WY-2010-028
Expires: 9/30/2011
To: All Employees
From: Deputy State Director, Support Services
Subject: Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Code for Administrative Program Support Costs
– Formerly 0777
Program Area: Organizational – Budget
Purpose: The purpose of this Instruction Memorandum is to provide WY Statewide guidance in
tracking administrative support costs which were formerly charged to 0777 for the rest of 2010 and
for future years.
Policy/Action: The Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Fiscal_Year (FY) 2010, Annual Work Plan
(AWP) General Directives (pages I-23 to I-26) provides policy for tracking program support costs
that were formerly in Functional Area L07770000. It is the policy of the BLM to limit expenditures
of program support to costs that are supported by the X Program Elements (PE). This WY policy has
specific guidance for non-IT administrative support costs and different guidance for IT support costs.
The WBS code “OVHD” must be used in both areas with some modification for IT costs.
The WY Districts and Field Offices use of the OVHD WBS should be limited to non-labor fixed
costs defined by the X PEs.
The State Office will use the OVHD WBS for labor and non-labor fixed costs defined by the X PEs.
The OVHD code will be used as follows:
- Non-IT costs LXSIOVHD0000;
- IT costs – If there is a normal WBS for IT, rather than the last 4 zeros, use OVHD;
otherwise use LXSIOVHD0000.
The Functional Areas, where the OVHD codes are valid, are attached below.
Timeframe: This is effective immediately.
Budget Impact: None
Background: In the past the 0777 code, which included indirect costs related to workforce,
organizational support and land resource information systems was used to track administrative costs.
While transitioning to the new Federal Business Management System (FBMS) it was found that the
0777 allocations were not captured or carried over, causing a significant impact to budgets.
Manual/Handbook Sections Affected: None
Coordination: The information herein was obtained from the FY 2010 Annual Work Plan General
Directives with the coordination of WO-880, the NOC, the DSD Support Services, and the State
Budget Officer.
Contact: Questions should be directed to Mark Gorges, State Budget Officer.
Functional Areas To Be Used With “OVHD”
Area Number
Functional Area Name
L10100000 Soil, Water, & Air Management
L10200000 Range Management
L10300000 Forestry Management
L10400000 Riparian Management
L10500000 Cultural Resources Management
L10600000 Wild Horses & Burros
L11100000 Wildlife Management
L11200000 Fisheries Management
L11500000 Threatened & Endangered Species
L12100000 Wilderness Management
L12200000 Recreation Resources Management
L13100000 Oil and Gas
L13110000 Oil and Gas APD Processing
L13200000 Coal Management
L13300000 Other Mineral Resources
L14100000 Alaska Conveyance
L14200000 Cadastral Survey
L14300000 Land and Realty Management
L16100000 Resource Management Planning
L16510000 Operations
L16520000 Annual Maintenance
L16300000 Res. Protection & Law Enforcement
L16400000 Hazardous Materials Management
L19900000 Mining Law Administration
Area Number
Functional Area Name
LF1000000* Fire Preparedness
LF3102000* Non-Wildland Urban Interface
LF3101000* Wildland Urban Interface
L31300000 Acquisition Management
L58100000 Forestry Pipeline Restoration Fund
*Fire codes will take precedent over the use of the OVHD code.
Signed by: Authenticated by:
Mark W. Gorges Pamela D. Hernandez
Acting Deputy State Director Wyoming Central Files
Division of Support Services


National Office

Fiscal Year