Review Procedures for Construction and Service Contracts under $25,000

IM WY 2010-015
Instruction Memorandum

United States Department of the Interior
Wyoming State Office
P.O. Box 1828
IN REPLY REFER TO: Cheyenne, Wyoming 82009-1828
1510, 9100 (951) P
January 8, 2010

Instruction Memorandum No. WY-2010-015
Expires: 09/30/2011
To: District Managers and Deputy State Directors
Attn: Purchasing Agents and District Engineers
From: Associate State Director
Subject: Review Procedures for Construction and Service Contracts under $25,000

Program Areas: Engineering, Resource Management, Contracting
Purpose: The purpose of this Instruction Memorandum (IM) is to clarify policy and provide
additional guidance for the review process for construction and service contracts under $25,000.
District Engineers are delegated the authority to review all contract drawings and maps for
contracts under $25,000. The District Engineers are required to work directly with the State
Office Cartographers who will finalize the drawings and maps for inclusion in the Contract
1. Contracts under $25,000: The District Engineers will be responsible for the final review
of all the construction and service contracts. The procedures for the review are as follows:
a. Contract Specifications: The District Engineers will review and approve all
specifications or statements of work prior to attaching the documents to the purchase requisition
for the contract.
b. Drawings and Maps: The drawings and maps will be sent by the District
Engineers to the State Office Cartographers for review and preparation. The drawings will be
sent as Autocad drawings in PDF format, GIS drawings in black and white, a list of standard
drawings and standard Work Location, standard Project Location or GIS Project Location maps
for inclusion in the contract. The Cartographers will review and finalize the maps and drawings
for the contract. The Cartographers will communicate with the field if any clarification is
necessary. The final maps and drawings will be sent back to the District Engineers for
attachment to the purchase requisition.
2. Contracts over $25,000: The State Engineer will be responsible for the review and
preparation for these contracts, specifications, drawings and maps. The procedures for the
review will be the same as in the past. The State Engineer will follow the same procedures
outlined for the District Engineers as stated above.
Timeframe: Effective immediately.
Budget Impact: There is no significant effect on the budget.
Background: Previously the State Engineer reviews all contracts for technical content and the
State office Cartographers review and standardize the maps and drawings. The drawings are
catalogued and numbered to keep an inventory and prevent numerous versions of the same
drawing from being circulated for contracts. This process allows one point of preparation and
communication prior to attaching these documents to the contract Purchase Requisition.
Manual or Handbook Sections Affected: No manual or handbook sections are affected.
Coordination: The State Office Engineering, Procurement, and Cartographic personnel and
field office counterparts will coordinate the work to prepare appropriate contract documents for
Contact: Jim Honn, State Engineer, 307/775-6233, Terri Daniels, Cartographer, 307/775-6306
and Doug Morrow, Cartographer, 307/775-6191.
Signed by: Authenticated by:
Ruth Welch Pamela D. Hernandez
Associate State Director Wyoming Central Files


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