Procurement and Licensing of Information Technology (IT) Hardware and Software

IM WY 2010-010
Instruction Memorandum

United States Department of the Interior
Wyoming State Office
P.O. Box 1828
IN REPLY REFER TO: Cheyenne, Wyoming 82009-1828
1260 (957) P
December 3, 2009
EMS Transmission: December 8, 2009
Instruction Memorandum No. WY-2010-010
Expires: 09/30/2011
To: All Employees
From: State Director
Subject: Procurement and Licensing of Information Technology (IT) Hardware and
Program Area: Information Technology Acquisition.
Purpose: This Instruction Memorandum (IM) identifies the requirements for purchasing IT
hardware and software as well as proof-of-purchase verification necessary to meet the
requirements of software license laws and regulations.
We are continuing the policy of requiring all hardware and software purchases to be reviewed
and approved by IT Configuration Management (CM) prior to the actual purchase. This review
will help ensure that the product will meet the users’ needs as well as be able to function on our
We also have a need to comply with software license requirements and laws, and to be able to
verify proof of purchase of all our hardware and software acquisitions.
Policy/Action: All Purchase Requests (PR) and credit card buys for hardware or software must
be coordinated prior to purchase with your supervisor and your local IT staff. Your local IT staff
can determine if the requested item is already approved through IT. If it is not, they will assist
you with the completion of a Change Request form to initiate a review to determine if the
hardware or software can be used on our computers.
Copies of license agreements and invoices sufficient to identify the hardware and software
purchased along with number of licenses, and any CDs or DVDs will be provided to the local IT
staff who will maintain all this information in a secured storage environment.
CM approval is required for anything that will connect to, or could be loaded on a
computer. Examples are printers, scanners, GPS receivers, software (including digital camera
software), and USB storage devices. Your local IT staff or the State Configuration Manager can
assist you in the approval process. The Change Request form to request approval is on the
Wyoming internal web page: All GPS related
Change Requests will be coordinated with the State Geodesist for review and approval.
Receiving IT approval is critical. A copy of the approval, such as an email message from the
State Configuration Manager or his designee, must be attached to the bank card statement. Lack
of approval for IT purchases could affect your ability to purchase items with a charge card. In
the worst case, failure to receive IT approval prior to purchase could result in an employee
having to buy the item from personal funds and take it home.
Time Frame: This policy is effective immediately.
Budget Impact: Using this CM approval process to review proposed purchases will save the
Bureau time and money by allowing the BLM to maintain standard IT equipment configurations.
Maintaining information about software license purchases will enhance the ability of BLM to
adequately meet software license compliance requirements.
Background: Continued certification and accreditation of our information system requires that
we adhere to specific IT Security controls that are set forth in NIST (National Institute of
Standards and Technology) Special Publication 800-53, Recommended Security Controls for
Federal Information Systems. These controls require us to:
• Authorize, document, and control changes to the information system using an
organizationally approved process,
• Develop, document, and maintain a current inventory of the components of the
information system and relevant ownership information, and
• Comply with software usage restrictions, which includes tracking and controlling
software distribution.
Manual/Handbook Sections Affected: None
Coordination: This IM was coordinated with the Business Manager and the Chief Information
Contact: Please address any questions regarding this policy to Sam McReynolds, Wyoming
Configuration Manager at 307-775-6065 or to Mike Londe, State Geodesist at 307-775-6209.
Signed by: Authenticated by:
Donald A. Simpson Pamela D. Hernandez
State Director Wyoming Central Files


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