Wyoming Statewide Guidance for Government Provided Housing Fiscal_Year 2009 Inventories

IM WY 2009-026
Instruction Memorandum

United States Department of the Interior
Wyoming State Office
P.O. Box 1828
IN REPLY REFER TO: Cheyenne, Wyoming 82009-1828
1534 (951) P
June 5, 2009
Instruction Memorandum No. WY-2009-026
Expires: 09/30/2010
To: All Wyoming District Managers and Field Managers
Attention: Housing Managers
From: State Director
Subject: Wyoming Statewide Guidance for Government Provided Housing Fiscal
Year 2009 Inventories DD: 07/01/09
Program Area: Wyoming Government Provided Housing (GPH)
Purpose: This Instruction Memorandum (IM) provides guidance and instruction needed to
perform FY 2009 inventories on all Wyoming BLM GPH and the payroll collections process for
Policy/Action: In accordance with the BLM Manual 1534, Government Provided Housing, each
District Manager, as the Accountable Officer, is responsible for supporting the GPH Program in
their respective District Offices and Field Offices. This includes (1) supporting uniform
compliance with the BLM’s procedures which provide for the collection of all regional quarters
rental survey rates required by law and (2) complying with Bureau and Departmental procedures
for establishing and collecting rental rates.
1. The BLM Housing Managers Guidebook requires inventories to be conducted every
other year between May and July. Housing managers will use the Government Quarters
Inventory Form (DI-1875) only if a housing unit is new and/or has not been previously
inventoried: http://www.doi.gov/nbc/formsmgt/forms/DI1875_instructions.pdf Otherwise,
please use the computer-generated Government Quarters Inventory form located at this site:
FHMs conducting the inventories will use the Condition Code standards by referring to the BLM
Housing Managers Guidebook, Chapter 5.3.4., Condition Codes, for the definitions
and make any needed changes to your Government housing inventory.
To identify corrective actions in housing unit descriptions, quantities listed, etc., simply make
corrections on the inventory form or if there are no changes to the inventory, write no changes
on the form and fax it to David Garcia, State Asset Manager, at 307-775-6053.
2. The Monthly Base Rental Rate (MBRR) is the rental value of the unit that is established
in accordance with OMB Circular A-45 before applying any administrative adjustments or
charges for related facilities. Whenever Government housing is rented to a paid employee:
· Form DI-1881, Quarters Assignment Agreement, must be signed by the tenant before
occupancy. http://www.doi.gov/nbc/formsmgt/forms/DI1881
· In accordance with Title 5, U.S.C., Chapter 59, Section 5911, rental payments must be
deducted from an employee’s salary using one of two methods 1) Automatic payroll
deduction using Payroll Form A2 or, 2) A charge on a BLM Form 1371-22, Bill for
Collection (hardcopy only)
· Rental income must be deposited in a special no-year fund for maintenance and operation
of the housing units using the fund code 9710RD (collections).
· Instructions for completing and submitting the quarter’s deductions form is detailed in the
BLM Housing Managers Guidebook Chapter 5.12.
· Volunteers may be housed in Government housing if the housing is not needed for paid
employees. The District Manager will determine which benefiting program will pay rent
and utilities on a bi-weekly basis for units being used and reimburse the BLM housing
income account (9710RD) for the full rent and utilities using a Standard Voucher (SV).
Timeframe: Field Housing Managers will use the provided computer-generated Government
Quarters Inventory form to complete the inventory and submit to the State Asset Manager,
WY-951, by July 1, 2009.
Budget Impact: A small positive impact to the budget should result from collecting rental rates
and charges adjusted for inflation.
Background: BLM housing managers are required to inventory all GPH in accordance with the
Departmental Quarters Handbook, DM400. Inventories are essential to addressing increasing
inconsistencies between past inventories and the Consumer Price Index computations for BLM
Manual/Handbook Sections Affected: None.
Coordination: This IM was coordinated between the State Asset Manager and the Business
Contact: Should you need further information or have questions regarding Wyoming State
Government Provided Housing please contact David Garcia, State Asset Manager, at
Signed by: Authenticated by:
Donald A. Simpson Pamela D. Hernandez
State Director Wyoming Central Files
Director (850), Room 1075, LS 1
CF 1


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