Implementation of Recommendations from the 2006-2007 Audit of Wyoming Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Commercial Special Recreation Permits

IM WY 2008-049
Instruction Memorandum

United States Department of the Interior
Wyoming State Office
P.O. Box 1828
IN REPLY REFER TO: Cheyenne, Wyoming 82009-1828
2930 (930) P
September 17, 2008
EMAIL TRANSMISSION: September 22, 2008
Instruction Memorandum No. WY-2008-049
Expires: 09/30/09
To: Field Managers
Attention: Outdoor Recreation Planners
From: State Director
Subject: Implementation of Recommendations from the 2006-2007 Audit of Wyoming Bureau of
Land Management (BLM) Commercial Special Recreation Permits
Program Area: Recreation Permit Administration – Policy and Program Direction
Purpose: The purpose of this Instruction Memorandum (IM) is to provide policy and implementation of
the recommendations made by the 2006-2007 Special Recreation Permit (SRP) auditors regarding the
Wyoming SRP program. These recommendations will ensure that the public receives fair market value
from the commercial use of its public land, and that the Wyoming BLM continues to issue, administer,
and collect fees in a consistent way across the State and in accordance with the BLM Handbook (H-2930-
1) – Special Recreation Permits and Fee Administration, and regulations.
Policy / Action: The State Office will work with Field Offices in FYs 2008 and 2009 in issuing
operating plans, standard permit stipulations, trip logs, evaluations, and other standard operating
procedures reflected in the handbook and the Wyoming Information about Special Recreation Permits on
BLM Administered Public Lands. Field Offices implementing new permits, and renewals of existing
permits, will give Permittees two choices of methods for calculating percentage of time on public land.
The method of calculating percentage of time on BLM lands used will be agreed upon at the time of SRP
approval. These changes will reduce reporting errors, allow for Recreation Planners to validate
information provided and create a better understanding of fees and deductions prior to the end of the
reporting period. Wyoming Field Offices will continue to process and issue multi-jurisdictional
commercial permits.
In addition, all Permittees must have insurance determined from the BLM Handbook’s minimum
requirements, on an annual basis, and then determine the permittee’s actual insurance coverage amounts
as obtained from the Certificate of Insurance provided by the permittee annually. Standard forms, for use
in all Field Offices, are attached. Standard Stipulations may vary by Field Office, based on settings and
type of permit; however, all should consist of the basic stipulations per permit type listed in the Wyoming
Information about Special Recreation Permits on BLM Administered Public Lands plus additional permit
specific needs. A new Stipulation addressing the need for Permittees to be responsible for their
bookkeeping records will be included with the new forms and is attached herein.
The BLM will not offer any discounts for “Compensated” or “Donated” trips reported by Permittees.
These trips will be treated the same as paying customers.
Timeframe: This IM takes effect immediately.
Background: The rationale for this change is to strengthen administration and operations of the
Wyoming SRP program. The audit showed discrepancies between the Field Offices in regard to use of
forms, determining gross revenues and BLM land use, insurance, billing, and evaluations. In April 2008,
the state recreation lead and recreation planners were asked to comment on draft proposed policies and
developed updated standardized forms to address issues identified in the audit. Those comments are
incorporated within this final policy IM.
Manual / Handbook Sections Affected: Manual 2930 – Recreation Permits and Fees (Public) and
Handbook H-2930-1 – Special Recreation Permits and Fee Administration (fee payment and calculation,
insurance/liability, permit monitoring, performance, evaluation).
Contact: If you have questions or concerns regarding this IM, contact Lesly Smith, at
(307) 775-6031.
Signed by: Authenticated by:
Martin G. Griffith Pamela D. Hernandez
Acting State Director Wyoming Central Files
8 Attachments:
1 – Operating Plan for Big Game Outfitters and Guides (6 pp.)
2 – Operating Plan for Tourism Outfitters (7 pp.)
3 – Operating Plan for Events (5 pp.)
4 – Operating Plan for River Guides (7 pp.)
5 – Permit Fee Schedule (1 p.)
6 – SRP Fees and Deduction Worksheet (2 pp.)
7 – Checklist for Pre-Application Meeting (4 pp.)
8 – New Stipulation (1 p.)


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