FY 2008 Cultural Resource Management Program Annual Report

IM WY 2008-044
Instruction Memorandum

In Reply Refer To:
8100 (930) P
July 24, 2008
Instruction Memorandum No. WY-2008-044
Expires: 09/30/2009
To: Field Managers and Special Agent-in-Charge
From: Deputy State Director, Resources Policy and Management
Subject: FY 2008 Cultural Resource Management Program Annual Report
DD: 8/22/08
The Cultural Resource Management (CRM) Program Annual Report for Fiscal_Year 2008 is due in
Washington by the end of August this year. As always, this deadline reflects an accelerated schedule for
reports to the Office of Management and Budget. This year our data should demonstrate an August 1,
2007, through July 31, 2008, work year, rather than the normal fiscal year schedule. Annual report
information is used by WO in various reports, including the Public Land Statistics, as well as in responses
to Congressional inquiries. We are required to compile this information to comply with the
Archaeological Resources Protection Act of 1979 and the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966.
The attached Washington Office (WO) Instruction Memorandum (IM) No. 2008-121 provides instruction
on how to complete the specific pieces of the annual report. Please ensure that the information requested
reaches the State Office on or before the due date of August 22, 2008. If your Field Office will be unable
to meet the deadline, please respond in writing to the State Office with explanation. Field Offices should
be aware that the information we provide to WO is extremely important and can affect future budgets.
Statistics, Attachment 1
Most of the statistics section of the annual report will be completed by the Wyoming State Office, as
drawn from CRMTracker; however, there are sections in the spreadsheet that will require Field Office
review and completion. These are Section III. Physical and Administrative Protection; Section V.
Cultural Resource Use Permits (items B and C and E; provide a list of the cultural resource use permittees
that were field checked during the year); Section VII, Public and Professional Outreach and Education;
and Section VIII, Native American Consultations.
In addition, the Special Agent-in-Charge will complete Section VI on Enforcement; however, you might
contact your Rangers to ensure that all activities have been accounted for. If they have completed any
Listing of Outlaw Treachery (LOOT) forms, those should be included with the annual report submission.
A blank form is found at Attachment 4.
There are two new sections on paleontological localities and paleontological permits. These sections will
be completed by the Regional Paleontologist.
Please choose one major highlight for your Field Office and provide 2-3 paragraphs, as well as 2-3
photographs of this singular accomplishment. For additional highlights, please provide bullet statements,
with one or two sentences of explanation. These items will also be provided to the State Historic
Preservation Office as proof of our accomplishments under the State Protocol.
Partnerships, Attachment 2
This section includes any cooperative activities undertaken through use of 1050 (cultural resources) or
1770 (challenge cost share) monies. A brief description of the project, location of the project and
cooperator involvement, both hours and funding, must be report. The cooperator participation must be
equal to or greater than the BLM participation. Volunteer hours must also be reported.
Public Outreach, Attachment 3
The Heritage Education report is found at Attachment 3. You may want to query your external affairs
specialist to determine whether any press releases or newspaper articles were submitted regarding
archaeology activities in your field office.
BLM Historic Structures, Attachment 5
The BLM Historic Structures list and comments is included and must be updated at the Field Office level.
This important list is a part of the State Director performance review. Please be as specific as possible.
Questions about this report should be directed to Ranel Capron via e-mail at Ranel_Capron@blm.gov or
by telephone at (307) 775-6108. Again, this report is due into the State Office by Friday,
August 22, 2008. If you cannot meet this deadline or choose not to report, a response to the State
Director is required, indicating reasons for the non-submittal.
Signed by: Authenticated by:
Martin G. Griffith Pamela D. Hernandez
Acting Deputy State Director Wyoming Central Files
Resources Policy and Management
1 Attachment:
1 - WO IM No. 2008-121 and WY attachments (15 pp.)


National Office

Fiscal Year