Electronic Distribution of Wyoming Temporary Directives

IM WY 2008-027
Instruction Memorandum

United States Department of the Interior
Wyoming State Office

P.O. Box 1828

Cheyenne, Wyoming 82003-1828

In Reply Refer To:
1221 (WY-957) P
February 11, 2008
Instruction Memorandum No. WY-2008-027
Expires: 09/30/2009
To: Field Managers and Deputy State Directors
From: State Director
Subject: Electronic Distribution of Wyoming Temporary Directives
Program Area: BLM Directives.
Purpose: To advise Field Managers and Deputy State Directors of new procedures to enable
electronic distribution of Instruction Memoranda (IMs) and Information Bulletins (IBs) (classed
as Temporary Directives).
Policy/Action: All Wyoming Temporary Directives, including attachments, will now be issued
and distributed electronically.
The originating office will prepare directives for surnaming, signature, dating and numbering as
they are currently doing. They will add the line “EMS TRANSMISSION” over the IM or IB
number line at the top of the document. The signed hard copy package will be sent to Central
Files, along with an electronic copy of the directive and attachments. (Central Files staff can
scan attachments, if needed). Central Files staff will prepare the document for electronic
distribution by adding the signature and authentication boxes at the bottom of the document:
Signed by: Authenticated by:
Robert A. Bennett Pamela D. Hernandez
Wyoming State Director Wyoming Central Files
If the IM or IB is addressed to All Employees, Central Files staff will add the (Note to
Supervisors: Please ensure that employees without access to e-mail receive a paper copy of this
directive.) line at the beginning of the e-mail transmitting the directive.
Distribution copies will be sent hardcopy as they are currently being sent.
Time Frame: This directive is effective immediately.

Coordination: This IM was coordinated with Renee Duval, Wyoming Chief Information
Officer and Jessica Camargo, coordinator for the BLM Wyoming Correspondence Preparation
Contact: Please contact Pam Hernandez, Records Management Assistant, at (307) 775-6089 or
Debra Yeager, State Records Manager, at (307) 775-6088.
Signed by: Authenticated by:
Robert A. Bennett Pamela D. Hernandez
Wyoming State Director Wyoming Central Files


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