NEPA Requirements for Preferred Alternatives

IM WY 2008-019
Instruction Memorandum

United States Department of the Interior
Wyoming State Office

P.O. Box 1828

Cheyenne, Wyoming 82003-1828

In Reply Refer To:
1792 (930) P
January 18, 2008
Instruction Memorandum No. WY-2008-019
Expires 9/30/2009
To: Field Managers and Deputy State Directors
From: State Director
Subject: NEPA Requirements for Preferred Alternatives
In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the CEQ Regulations
1502.14 (e), the Departmental Manual 516 DM 4.10 and the Bureau Manual 1790-1, Chapter V
Section B. 2 b. Select The Preferred Alternative; there should be a preferred alternative selected
in each Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) prepared by Wyoming Bureau of Land
Management. There have been some circumstances when no agency preferred alternative was
presented and analyzed in our DEISs.
The Departmental Office of Environmental Policy and Compliance (OEPC) has stated that this
activity is not acceptable in accordance with their requirements for Department of Interior
Agencies. The Department’s Manual 516 DM 4.10 B(2)(b) states “the DEIS should also
identify the Bureau’s preferred alternative, . . . and the final EIS should identify the Bureau’s
preferred alternative . . . .” 516 DM 4.10 B(3) reminds the Bureaus that “Proposed departures
from this guidance must be approved by the OEPC and the Office of the Solicitor.” If a Field
Office would like to consider not choosing a preferred alternative, coordination and
concurrence with the Deputy State Director (930) and the Departmental OEPC will be required.
Additionally, for externally initiated proposals, the draft and final EIS should identify the
applicant’s proposed action. (516 DM 4.10 B(2)(a).
Should you have any questions concerning this Instruction Memorandum, please contact Bill
Daniels at 307-775-6105 or Jane Darnell at 307-775-6113.
/s/Robert A. Bennett


National Office

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