Timber Volume Measurement

IM WY 2007-028
Instruction Memorandum

United States Department of the Interior
Wyoming State Office

P.O. Box 1828

Cheyenne, Wyoming 82003-1828

In Reply Refer To:
5420 (930) P
July 27, 2007
Instruction Memorandum No. WY-2007-028
Expires: 9/30/2008
To: Field Managers
Attn: Zone Foresters
From: State Director
Subject: Timber Volume Measurement
Program Area: Forestry
Purpose: Policy for timber volume measurement.
Policy/Action: As per WO IM No. 2004-154, the policy to sell all timber sales following the
National Cubic Foot rule was rescinded. This IM also gives the State Director the authority to
determine the form of timber measurement to be used for timber sales and other forms of
disposal, including stewardship contracts.
The policy for timber volume measurement for Wyoming Bureau of Land Management (BLM)
is as follows:
Timber sales and other forms of timber disposal will be done in the board foot, cubic foot
measurement (National Cubic Rules), or weight scale; dependent on the best value to the
Government. Each case will be evaluated based on the product being offered and the current
market conditions. Consistency should be maintained for similar types of products to avoid
confusion with the customers whenever possible.
It remains Bureau policy that the reportable form for merchantable timber volume is in
thousand board feet (MBF) and biomass is in green tons. If a timber sale or other disposal is
done using cubic measure, the following conversion factors will be used for entry into BLM
reporting systems:
1. Use the conversion factors for individual species as published in the most current US
Forest Service Region 2 Appraisal Data Bulletin.
2. Use the general conversion factor listing in the most current Wyoming BLM
Forest/Vegetative Product Minimum Price List.
3. Use the conversion factors in the Timber Sale Information System (TSIS)

If a weight scale is used:
1. and if the forest product measured in board feet, not biomass; the sale contract will
establish a weight per board foot. Normally this conversion is between 10 and 14 pounds
per board foot for green timber and 5 and six 6 for dead timber. The zone forester will be
responsible for establishing this weight as part of the contract preparation.
2. and if the forest product is biomass, then actual weight scale at the yard of the product
measured in tons will be used.
Time Frame: This policy is effective immediately for all BLM timber sales and other forms of
forest products disposal, such as stewardship contracts.
Budget Impact: No short term impacts are expected. If the National Cubic Foot Rule is
utilized, experience has shown that it takes up to two times longer than the standard Scribner
Rules for cruising. The existing cruise volume software accommodates both forms of
Background: 43 CFR 5420.0-6 states that timber will be measured by tree cruise, log scale,
weight, or other form of measurement as may be determined in the public interest. The
regulations do not establish which log rule will be used to define the volume of timber sold in
BLM contracts. As referenced in the above WO IM 2004-154 there have been changes in the
BLM timber volume measurement requirements within the last 3 years that have caused some
confusion among field level foresters.
Manual/Handbook Sections Affected: None.
Coordination: This IM has been coordinated with WO 270 (Forestry) and the Zone Foresters
in Wyoming.
Contact: Bob Means, Forestry Program Lead (WY-930), (307) 775-6287.
/s/ Alan Rabinoff


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