This Policy is Inactive

Evaluation of Nevada BLM's 1232 Recreation Fee Program

NV IM-2010-028
Instruction Memorandum

In Reply Refer To:
2930 (NV930) P

United States Department of the Interior
Nevada State Office
1340 Financial Blvd.
Reno, Nevada 895002

March 29, 2010

Instruction Memorandum No. NV-2010-028
Expires: 09/30/2010

To: District and Field Managers, Nevada

Attention: Outdoor Recreation Planners and Budget Personnel

From: Deputy State Director, Natural Resources, Lands and Planning

Subject: Evaluation of Nevada BLM’s 1232 Recreation Fee Program

DDs: 05/14/10, 06/07/10

Purpose: The purpose of this IM is to provide guidance regarding the upcoming evaluation of Nevada’s recreation fee program and to identify the due dates for completion of evaluation requirements. The Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act (REA), Section 9, requires the evaluation of the recreation fee program and reporting to Congress. To ensure that the intent of the REA is being administered properly, the BLM is conducting an independent evaluation of its recreation fee program implementation on a state-by-state basis. The 2010 AWP identified Nevada and Alaska for evaluation this fiscal year.

Policy/Action: By April 29, 2010, using a third-party contractor, the Recreation and Visitor Services Division, WO-250, will email a pre-site survey/On-Site Evaluation Guide and On-Line Fee Program Evaluation Survey to all field offices. Anthony Bobo, WO-250 National Recreation Fee Program Manager, will discuss the fee evaluation at the Nevada Recreation Workshop on April 29th. Anthony and Barb Keleher, BLM Nevada Recreation Program Leader, will assist field offices with completing these required pre-survey evaluation documents and answer questions regarding the physical evaluation. All completed pre-survey and evaluation forms must be sent to WO-250 by May 14, 2010.

Step 1: The NSO and field offices will gather the necessary documents (See attachment 1) regarding their fee projects and post them electronically to the Recreation Fee Program Sharepoint site (See link listed below).

Step 2: By May 14, each Field Office will complete the On-Line Fee Program Evaluation Survey for each 1232 project. The District/Field Office recreation and budget staff should be complete the survey together using the necessary documentation. The survey may require up to 4 hours to complete.

Step 3: Actual site inspections of a limited number of selected sites will be conducted between June 7-11, 2010, based upon analysis from evaluation surveys, documentation, and management issues. The Red Rock Canyon NCA has already been identified as one of the sites. Selected field offices will be required to provide a recreation staff member to assist in the onsite verifications. The WO-250 contractor or the State Office Outdoor Recreation Lead will be notifying selected field offices, after analysis of the survey and evaluation, as to which field offices will conduct inspections of the selected fee areas.

Timeframe: Attached is a checklist with the documents that will be required to be posted on the Recreation Fee Program Sharepoint site during the survey completion timeframe. It is recommended that field offices begin gathering the required documents as soon as possible. The On-Line Fee Program Evaluation Survey will arrive April 29, 2010, and must be completed by May 14, 2010. Onsite verification of a limited number of Project Fee Sites (field offices) will be conducted during the week of June 7-11, 2010. The final fee site report for each site will be completed during the onsite review.

Budget Impact: The impact to the current Nevada recreation budget will be minimal as the WO-250 is funding the evaluations from the WO 1220 program.

Background: These fee programs have significant Congressional interest and the fee collections for the entire Department of the Interior now amount to over $1.5 billion since 1996. As such, the program has significant fiduciary responsibility for management and control of public funds. The integrity and management of the processes for managing these funds should be regularly evaluated. Since 2002, six separate external evaluations (OIG, GAO, and OMB) of BLM’s recreation fee program were conducted. In response to these evaluations of BLM’s recreation fee program, the BLM re-initiated state-by-state independent evaluations of its recreation fee program in FY 2007. The BLM’s 2010 AWP for the 1220 program directs that Nevada’s fee program be evaluated. The evaluation process is intended as a means to collect and apply “lessons learned” from our experience with collecting fees. Further, the evaluation process will help to monitor and improve the appropriate use of revenues collected on priority maintenance and enhancement projects.

If you have questions or concerns regarding this IM, contact Barb Keleher at 775-861-6628.

Signed By:
Michael R. Holbert
DSD, Resources, Lands and Planning

Authenticated By:
Ellyn Darrah
Administrative Assistant

1- List of Evaluation Required Documents (1 p)