This Policy is Inactive

Environmental Management System Policy – Nevada BLM

NV IM-2010-010
Instruction Memorandum

In Reply Refer To:
1700 (NV930) P

United States Department of the Interior
Nevada State Office
P.O. Box 12000 (1340 Financial Blvd.)
Reno, Nevada 89520-0006

December 21, 2009

Instruction Memorandum No. 2010-010
Expires: 09/30/2011

To: District Managers, Deputy State Directors and Branch Chiefs, Nevada

From: State Director, Nevada

Subject: Environmental Management System Policy – Nevada BLM

Program Areas: All

Purpose: The purpose of this Instruction Memorandum (IM) is to establish the Nevada Bureau of Land Management policy for the development and implementation of its Environmental Management System (EMS). The establishment of an EMS in Nevada will provide a framework for identifying and addressing the environmental aspects of field operations and facilities. An EMS is a cyclical process consisting of “plan – do – check – act” that is focused on continuous environmental improvement, innovation, and more efficient operations. The implementation of EMS in Nevada will provide for improved environmental management, as well as aid in bringing the BLM into compliance with Executive Order 13423 and Departmental Manual 515 DM 4 dated August 13, 2008.

Policy/Action: The BLM’s mission has always included protection of the environment and the public lands. Nevada is implementing an EMS to strengthen its existing commitment to the protection and reclamation of the public lands. The EMS will become an integral part of Nevada day-to-day operations and be incorporated into the long-term planning process across all programs. The Nevada EMS shall be documented, maintained, and communicated to all employees.

A Cross Functional Team (CFT) of Nevada employees has been created to develop the Nevada EMS. The members of the team are:

-Jane Freeman, Special Legislation Program Manager, NSO (EMS Coordinator/Management Representative)
-Dave Davis, Environmental Planner, Battle Mountain District Office (Joe Freeland, Alternate)
-Steve Dondero, Associate District Manager, Elko District (Until vacant staff position is filled)
-Kurt Golgart, Chief Information Officer, Branch of Information Resource Management, NSO
-Lynn Harrison, Environmental Planner, Winnemucca District Office
-Linda Kelly, Field Manager, Sierra Front Field Office, Carson City District
-Bob Kelso, Environmental Protection Specialist, Division of Minerals Management, NSO
-Robert Scruggs, Deputy State Director, Support Services
-Alan Shepherd, Wild Horse and Burro Program Manager, NSO
-Joe Tague, Branch Chief, Renewable Resources, NSO
-Robert Taylor, Special Projects Manager, Southern Nevada District Office
-Rosemary Thomas, District Manager, Ely District
-State Engineer (vacant), NSO

If you have an interest in contributing to the development of the EMS please contact one of the above individuals.

BLM Nevada is committed to managing our facilities and performing our operations on the public lands in such a manner as to protect the environment, employees, and public health. In addition, it is also BLM Nevada policy to:

-Comply with all Federal, State, and local environmental laws and regulations;
-Achieve continuous environmental improvement throughout all of our program areas, including those not subject to environmental regulation;
-Prevent pollution through the use of alternatives, wherever possible;
-Incorporate the consideration of environmental factors in all business decisions;
-Ensure a timely correction of issues identified in Compliance Assessment – Safety, Health, and the Environment (CASHE) audit findings;
-Provide appropriate environmental training to employees;
-Monitor and track EMS performance;
-Ensure that all EMS decisions and work are transparent to BLM Nevada employees and the public; and
-Communicate and reinforce this EMS policy, programs, and services throughout Nevada.

Timeframes: A simplified schedule, with estimated time commitments, for the development of an EMS Implementation Plan for Nevada is provided below. The total time required of each CFT member and other staff who will assist in the development and review of the Nevada EMS Implementation Plan will be approximately 2 days per month for six months during the initial implementation period. The time commitment for the Nevada EMS Coordinator will be approximately 3 days per month for six months during the initial implementation period.

-December 2009 – Kickoff meeting and introduction to EMS training provided to CFT members
-January 2010 – Ranking of environmental aspects by the CFT members
-April-May 2010 – Approved EMS objectives and targets communicated to all Nevada employees and EMS training provided
-July 2010 – Nevada begins implementation of its EMS
-August 2010 – Final plan will be in place, progress will be reported every year and, annually, the plan will be revisited and revised as needed

Background: Executive Order 13423 requires the implementation of EMS by all Federal Agencies. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Environmental Management Scorecard incorporates metrics to measure the success of implementing EMS throughout Federal Agencies. Departmental Manual 515 DM 4 issued August 13, 2008 states, “All bureaus and offices, will at all appropriate organizational levels and facilities, develop, implement, and maintain an EMS.” Further, BLM Washington Office IM-2006-148 commits BLM to the implementation of EMS bureau-wide by the end of FY 2010. The Bureau initially started with the implementation of EMS at two pilot locations, the Washington Office (WO) and Wyoming State Office, as detailed in WO IM-2006-170. The Nevada EMS is being developed using the lessons learned from these two pilots.

Budget Impact: Contractor support to facilitate the development and implementation of the EMS has been provided by WO-280. Any budget impact to field operations will depend on the exact nature of the EMS plan.

Manual/Handbook Sections Affected: None.

Coordination: EMS policy and requirements have been coordinated with the Nevada State Leadership Team.

Contact: Jane Freeman, NV EMS Coordinator, 775-861-6401

Signed By:
Amy L. Lueders
Associate State Director, NV

Authenticated By:
Ellyn Darrah
Administrative Assistant


Nevada State Office

Fiscal Year