This Policy is Inactive

Fiscal Year 2016 Heritage Program Annual Report Data Call

CA IM-2016-019
Instruction Memorandum

In Reply Refer to:
8100 (CA930) P

Instruction Memorandum No. CA-2016-019
Expires: 9/30/18

To:                All CA District and Field Managers
                     Attention:  CDD District Office and Field Office Archaeologists

From:           State Director

Subject:       Fiscal Year 2016 Heritage Program Annual Report Data Call DD: 08/16/16

Program Area: Cultural Resources, Paleontological Resources, and Tribal Consultation.

Purpose: This Instruction Memorandum (IM) requires the California Desert District Office and each Field Office to submit a completed Annual Heritage Program Report for Fiscal Year (FY) 2016.

Policy/Action: Per the WO-IM No. 2016-126, each Bureau of Land Management (BLM) State Office is required to submit an annual heritage report to the Washington Office summarizing program activity for the year. The California field archaeologists provide the information that forms the basis of this report to the State Office as concise narratives that share accomplishments and issues and the completed tables referenced below. To be consistent with prior year submissions, the narrative and data should cover the period from August 1, 2015, to July 31, 2016.

A. Narrative: Summarize FY 2016 accomplishments for the management of cultural and paleontological resources, including the associated collections and data, and tribal consultation. Particular attention should be given to projects supported by specific subactivity allocations in the Annual Work Plan (AWP) or projects specifically identified for funding by the BLM Washington Office or the Department of Interior (DOI) (e.g. such as the museum grants). Major Highlights -- Field Offices should highlight about five major exemplary activities in a few paragraphs, accompanied by graphics, to illustrate the work completed (MSWord File Format). Photographs may be inserted into the text of the document; please provide photographs separately as well. Such photographs should be high quality and suitable for publishing as part of any social media outreach or in subsequent reports. Please label all photographs with the names of individuals (if possible), project, and location (field, district, state).

B. Particular attention should be given to projects supported by specific subactivity allocations in the Annual Work Plan (AWP) or projects specifically identified for funding by the BLM Washington Office or the Department of Interior (DOI) (e.g. such as the museum grants).

C. Other Accomplishments – Field Offices are encouraged to share bullets organized in the following topics.
1. National Programmatic Agreement Implementation and State Protocol Revisions.
2. NHPA Section 106 Compliance.
3. Identification, recordation, and evaluation of heritage resources.
4. Stabilization, rehabilitation, and other preservation activities.
5. Monitoring and site stewardship.
6. Research, field schools, and data recovery projects.
7. Notable planning accomplishments for heritage resources.
8. Tribal Consultation and coordination.
9. Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) activities.
10. Paleontological resources management.
11. Museum collections management.
12. Enforcement of heritage protection authorities (e.g., Section 6 of ARPA and Section 3606 of the PRPA) and related activities.
13. Heritage Education, Interpretation, Outreach, and Tourism.
I. Tables: Complete, update, or revise information in the following tables, as appropriate, reflecting program related activities in FY 2016. Instructions are provided in the first worksheet of the forms labeled "Instructions," where appropriate.
1. Heritage Program Annual Report Questionnaire
2. Heritage Resource Projects and Partnerships (updated to include all direct funded heritage projects)
3. Historic Structures Listing
4. Listing of Outlaw and Treachery (LOOT) form (complete for each incident)
Templates and additional information are available on the confidential archaeological server maintained by CA-BLM Archaeology at T:\ANNUAL REPORT TO WO\2016. Submissions should be completed electronically and posted to the T:Drive, by the due date, in a folder for each Office.
II. Museum Collections and NAGPRA reporting in California is coordinated through Stephanie Damadio. Supply a copy of this portion of your narrative, if any, on these topics directly to her at

Timeframe: To allow sufficient time for State Office review and consolidation to meet Washington Office deadline, the CDD and the Field Offices should complete the Heritage Programs Annual Reports and submit narratives by August 16, 2016.

Budget Impact: The budget impact is minimal. This work is supported by funding distributed through the cultural resources management sub-activity.

Background: The BLM must regularly compile and report information to comply with numerous authorities, including the Archaeological Resources Protection Act, the 54 U.S.C. 300101 et seq. (formerly known as the National Historic Preservation Act), the Federal Land Policy and Management Act, the Government Performance and Accountability Act, the Paleontological Resources Protection Act, and Executive Order 13327 on Federal Real Property Asset Management. Data is submitted for multiple reports, including the Report to Federal Archaeological Activities, Public Land Statistics, the Performance and Accountability Report, Financial Statements, and the Annual Museum Collections Summary Report.

Manual/Handbook Sections Affected: None.

Contact: For additional information, please contact Tony Overly, Archaeologist, at (916) 978- 4684, or via E-mail at

Signed by:
Jerome Perez
State Director

Authenticated by:
Cynthia Diezel
Acting Records Manager


California State Office

Fiscal Year