FY2015 Protocol Report To SHPO Data Call

CA IM-2016-002
Instruction Memorandum

October 8, 2015

In Reply Refer To:
8100 (CA930) P

Instruction Memorandum No. CA-2016-002
Expires: 9/30/19

To:            All CA Field Managers and District Managers
                      Attention:  Field Office and District Office Archaeologists
From:        State Director

Subject:    FY2015 Protocol Report To SHPO Data Call        DD: 11/10/15

Program Area: Cultural, Paleontological Resources, Tribal Consultation

Purpose: This Instruction Memorandum (IM) requires each Field Office and the California Desert District Office to submit a completed SHPO Protocol Report for fiscal year (FY) 2015.

Policy/Action: Per the 2014 State Protocol each Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Field Office is required to submit an annual protocol report to the State Office summarizing program activity for the year.  The California field archaeologists provide the information that forms the basis of this report to the State Office as concise narratives that share accomplishments and issues and the completed table referenced below.  To be consistent with prior year submissions, the data should cover the fiscal year just completed.

I.    Narrative Report
      As specified in Protocol Stipulation 14.3, the BLM Field Offices shall provide a report by November 10th to the DPO for collating and reporting to the California and Nevada State Historic
      Preservation Officers (SHPOs) by December 1st.  The report must include a list of prior fiscal year undertakings including determinations of eligibility made, and a short narrative summarizing
      Section 106 work and Section 110 accomplishments.
      a.    Start the SHPO narrative report with a paragraph that summarizes the Section 106 workload conducted by your office.
      b.    The remainder of the SHPO narrative report text can be the WO narrative supplied by the Field Offices in August 2015 with minimal modification and updating. 

II.    MS Excel Spread Sheet Annual Report Table
        The MS Excel table is also required and it is identical to 2014.  Templates and additional information are available on the confidential archaeological server maintained by CA-BLM 
        Archaeology at T:\ANNUAL REPORT TO SHPO\Annual Report to SHPO 2015. 

Submissions should be completed electronically and posted to the T drive by the due date in a folder for each Office.  Notify the DPO by e-mail when complete but do not transmit the reports as attachments via e-mail.

Timeframe: To allow sufficient time for review and consolidation to meet Protocol deadline, Field Offices and CDD should complete the Heritage Programs Annual Reports and submit narratives and spreadsheet on the T Drive by November 10, 2015.

Budget Impact: The budget impact is minimal. This work is supported by funding distributed through the cultural resources management sub-activity.

Background:  The BLM prepares the Annual Report to the SHPOs outlining the preservation activities conducted under the nPA and the State Protocol. The Annual Report will be consistent with the BLM’s annual Washington Office reporting requirements, and will include supplemental information agreed upon by the BLM and the SHPOs. The Annual Report will be made available to the public via the BLM California web site, and BLM will notify the ACHP of its availability via email.

Manual/Handbook Sections Affected:  None.

Contact: For additional information, please contact Tony Overly, Archaeologist, at (916) 978- 4684, or via E-mail at soverly@blm.gov.


Signed by:                            
Joe Stout                                
Associate State Director                      

Authenticated by: 
Richard A. Erickson
Records Management



California State Office

Fiscal Year