BLM California Environmental Management System Policy

CA IM-2015-003
Instruction Memorandum

October 22, 2014

In Reply Refer To: 
8600 (CA-910) P

Instruction Memorandum No. CA-2015-003
Expires: 9/30/18  

To:           California State Leadership Team

From:       State Director

Subject:    BLM California Environmental Management System Policy 

Program Area:  All Program Areas

Purpose:  This Instruction Memorandum (IM) reissues and updates policy for the continuing development of the Bureau of Land Management California (BLM CA) policy for its Environmental Management System (EMS). 

An EMS is a set of management processes and procedures that allows an organization to integrate environmental concerns and issues into day-to-day decisions and practices, thereby improving both its environmental and economic performance.  An EMS is a cyclical process consisting of “plan – do – check – act” focused on continuous environmental improvement, innovation, and more efficient operations. The process works as follows: organizations commit to an environmental policy and form a Cross Functional Team (CFT) that will work with the BLM’s EMS assistance contractor to develop an EMS Implementation Plan.   The current BLM CA EMS Implementation Plan is located on the BLM CA page of the Department of the Interior SharePoint site: (

The establishment of an EMS for BLM CA provides a framework for identifying and addressing the environmental aspects of field operations and facilities. The implementation of an EMS provides for improved environmental management, as well as support for bringing the BLM into compliance with Executive Orders 13423 and 13514 and Departmental Manual 515 DM 4 dated August 13, 2008.

Policy/Action:  The BLM’s mission has always included sustainable management of the public lands. BLM CA is implementing an EMS to strengthen its existing commitment to the protection and reclamation of the public lands and improve efficiency while lessening the environmental impact of its operations. The EMS is an integral part of BLM CA’s day-to-day operations and is incorporated into the long-term planning process across all programs.  BLM CA is committed to managing facilities and performing operations in such a manner as to protect the environment, employees, and public health. In addition, it is also California policy to:

     •    Comply with all Federal, state, and local environmental laws and regulations; 
     •    Achieve continuous environmental improvement throughout all BLM CA program areas, including those not subject to environmental regulation; 
     •    Prevent pollution through the use of alternatives wherever possible;
     •    Incorporate the consideration of environmental factors into all business decisions; 
     •    Ensure a timely correction of issues identified in Compliance Assessment – Safety, Health, and the Environment (CASHE) audit findings;
     •    Provide appropriate environmental training to employees; 
     •    Monitor and track EMS performance and implementation requirements;
     •    Ensure that all EMS decisions and work are transparent to BLM CA employees and the public; and  
     •    Communicate and reinforce the EMS policy, programs, and services throughout the BLM CA organization. 

A Cross Functional Team (CFT) of BLM CA employees was established to develop the initial EMS.  Current members of the team are:

     •    Karen Barnette, Deputy State Director, Support Services (Management Representative)
     •    Wilma Kominek, Branch Chief, Fiscal and Business Services
     •    Peter Graves,  Environmental Protection Specialist/Hazardous Materials Program Lead 
     •    Dona Maxcy, State Property Manager
     •    Mike Sintetos, Program Lead, Renewable Energy Coordinating Office
     •    Mike Hoffman, Redding Field Office, Administrative Officer
     •    Ryan Cooper, Bakersfield Field Office, Outdoor Recreation Planner
     •    Tracy Albrecht, Palms Springs/South Coast Field Office, Interpretive Specialist.

Karen Barnette serves as the EMS Management Representative and EMS Coordinator. If you are interested in contributing to the development of the EMS Implementation Plan, please contact one of the above team members for additional information. 

Timeframe:  The next cycle of the CA EMS will be initiated January 2015 and will be reviewed and updated annually.

Background: Executive Orders 13423 and 13514 require the implementation of EMS by all federal agencies. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Environmental Management Scorecard incorporates metrics to measure the success of implementing EMS throughout federal agencies.  Departmental Manual (515 DM 4) issued August 13, 2008, states, “All bureaus and offices, will at all appropriate organizational levels and facilities, develop, implement, and maintain an EMS.” Further, BLM Washington Office (WO) IM-2006-148 committed the BLM to the implementation of an EMS bureauwide by the end of FY 2010. The BLM initially started with the implementation of an EMS at two pilot locations, the WO and Wyoming State Office, as detailed in WO IM-2006-170. The BLM CA EMS is being developed using the lessons learned from these two pilots.

Budget Impact: Contractor support to facilitate the development and implementation of the EMS is provided by WO-280. Any budget impact to field operations will depend on the exact nature of the EMS plan.

Manual/Handbook Sections Affected: None

Coordination: EMS policy and requirements have been coordinated with the BLM CA State Leadership Team. 

Contact: Karen Barnette, Deputy State Director, Support Services, at (916) 978-4501.

Signed by:                                    
Angie Lara                                
Associate State Director                  

Authenticated by:   
Richard A. Erickson  
Records Management