To Remind BLM-California Employees about Their Ethical Responsibilities

CA IM-2010-007
Instruction Memorandum

January 28, 2010 
In Reply Refer To:
1400-735 (P)
Instruction Memorandum No. CA-2010-007 
Expires:  09/30/11 
To:                 Managers and Supervisors   

From:             Acting State Director
Subject:          Ethics Regarding Outside Contractors 

Purpose:         To Remind BLM-California Employees about Their Ethical Responsibilities       
                       Regarding Outside Contractors and the Public.  
Use of outside contractors is an important part of all Federal operations in these times.  Particularly when deadlines are short and the workload increasing, contractors provide the BLM and the public valuable services.  However, it is important that employees remember the differences between agency employees and contractors, as well as the rules regarding endorsements. 
On the first item, the law and the BLM's policies are clear:  contractors are not civil service employees, and they are not allowed to represent themselves as speaking officially on behalf of the agency. 
On the second item, the law and the BLM's policies are also clear:  BLM employees are not allowed to endorse or recommend to the public one contractor over another for a service or product. Employees are often asked where an applicant or member of the public might go to obtain sound advice or environmental consultation concerning their pending project.  Employees ethically cannot recommend just one company/firm, but are required to offer the requestor a list of approved contractors in that area or field of expertise, if available.  If not, the employee may say the BLM is unable to assist or perhaps refer them to a professional association or licensing board for that advice. 
Transparency, fairness, and objectivity are the main issues in these cases.  Public perception of the BLM's level of trustworthiness and ethical standards depends upon every employee's behavior in these situations.  I recognize many of you are working hard to meet your work deadlines and BLM-California is proud of your service and your adherence to high ethical standards. 
Please share this information with your employees involved with these issues.  Further guidance is available in Instruction Memorandum No. 2006-011, National Environmental Policy Act Third Party Contracting Procedures. 
Signed by:                                             
James Wesley Abbott                                    
Acting State Director                          

Authenticated by:      
Richard A. Erickson      
Records Management 


California State Office

Fiscal Year