Fully Processing Grazing Permits and Status Update-Process for FY2010

CA IM-2010-005
Instruction Memorandum

December 18, 2009 
In Reply Refer to: 
4100 (CA930)P 
Instruction Memorandum No. CA-2010-005 
Expires: 09/30/11 
To:             CA BLM District Managers and Field Managers 
From:         Acting State Director 
Subject:      Fully Processing Grazing Permits and Status Update-Process for FY2010  
                          DD: 01/15/10; 03/31/10; 06/30/10; 08/31/10 
Program Areas: Grazing Administration and Planning      
While some Field Offices have completed their backlogged permit renewals, this memorandum is to reemphasize the priority workload of completing fully processed grazing permits that expired and were issued with the Appropriation Act direction (backlogged permits).  In addition, permits that will expire in the current fiscal year must also be fully processed whenever possible within the year they expire. In this fiscal year, report of renewal progress will be based on milestones associated with fully processing permit renewals.  Attached is a spreadsheet with each milestone identified.  Please fill out the spreadsheet as of October 1, 2009, with all permits that expired and were renewed with Appropriation Act direction, or they will expire prior to September 30, 2010.  Offices will show progress in these milestones with each submission.  
Please keep in mind that it takes a minimum of a 45-day timeframe to complete the decision process of issuing a proposed grazing decision, final decision, and the appeal period.  In order to complete the backlog of permits issued with the direction of the Appropriation Act, all Final Grazing Decisions that are issued because a protest was received of the Proposed Decision in accordance with 43 CFR 4160 must be issued and served to interested publics by August 31, 2010, in order for the appeal period to end simultaneously with the end of the fiscal year.   
In the past, Field Offices have been reporting progress either monthly or bi-monthly.  Each Field Office Staff was asked to report fully-processed permits and leases current to date.   In FY 2010, District Managers will be asked to report permit renewal progress three times during the fiscal year. The attachment will be completed by Field Offices and submitted to Dianna Brink at the State Office by January 15, 2010.  An example is provided on Attachment 1 on how to fill out the spreadsheet. Progress reports will be made to the State Office and any shortfalls identified are due on March 31, June 30, and August 31, 2010. 
If you have any questions, please call Dianna Brink, Range Program Lead, at (916) 978-4645. Your progress reports will be submitted to her by COB on the dates provided above. 
Signed by:                                        
James Wesley Abbott                                   
Acting State Director                       

Authenticated by:      
Richard A. Erickson       
Records Management 
Attachment – 1 
FY2010 Grazing Permit Renewal Status Spreadsheet (1 p) 


California State Office

Fiscal Year