This Policy is Inactive

Briefing Paper Protocol and Storage System

Instruction Memorandum
United States Department of the Interior
Arizona State Office
One North Central Avenue, Suite 800
Phoenix, Arizona  85004-4427
July 31, 2014
In Reply Refer To:
1120 (9120) P
Supersedes IM No. AZ-2003-003
Instruction Memorandum No. AZ-2014-036
Expires:  9/30/2015     EXPIRED
To:                  State Leadership Team
From:              State Director
Subject:           Briefing Paper Protocol and Storage System
Purpose: This Instruction Memorandum (IM) reiterates the established guidance for briefing paper protocols.  The Communications SharePoint Briefing Papers Log system allows Bureau of Land Management (BLM) staff at every level to create, update, and monitor briefing papers and associated documents using a systematic process.  The Log ensures that accurate information on BLM issues, programs, and projects is maintained and tracked.
Policy/Action:  All briefing papers will be created and stored at https:// blmspace. blm.doi. net/az/sites/communications/Lists/Arizona%20Briefing%20Papers%20Log/AllItems.aspx.  All BLM staff is required to generate briefing papers using the Briefing Papers Log.  Template II, found at this location, is the standard for most briefing papers.  Use of the Briefing Papers Log allows for timely and effective Field, District, and State Office reviews.  In the rare case when an issue is of a sensitive nature, the documents may be stored outside of this location.
Timeframe:  This IM is effective immediately.
Budget Impact:  None.
Background:  In an effort to streamline the briefing paper process, the Office of Communications has established a reliable, searchable and centralized source to store and update key issues for the Director, other members of the BLM Executive Leadership Team, and the State Director.  Please reference http:// gov/ext_aff/bpapers/bpapers.html for detailed instructions on how to create a new briefing paper, and the different formats for briefings.
The Office of Communications has coordinated with offices to upload all current Arizona briefing papers to the SharePoint site.
Questions or requests for training regarding the Arizona Briefing Papers Log may be requested from the Office of Communications or from District Office Public Affairs Staff.
The Arizona Briefing Papers Log is available to all BLM staff.  The IM Template, as a Word document, can also be downloaded.
The responsibility for reviewing briefing papers, as well as maintaining their accuracy, currency and content quality, remains with the State Office and local offices.  The briefing papers and associated documents, i.e., maps and scanned letters, will be coordinated through the Public Affairs Officer and Field or District Managers.  Timely coordination and review of briefing papers is important prior to briefing the State Director.
Directives Affected:  None.
Coordination:  Development of this IM was coordinated with the State Leadership Team and District Public Affairs Specialists.
Contact:  Please direct any questions regarding this Instruction Memorandum to the Office of Communications at 602-417-9500.
Signed by:
Raymond Suazo
State Director
Authenticated by:
Margaret Walker
Executive Assistant
1 Attachment:
1 - Arizona State Director Briefing Protocol (1 p)