Grazing and Wild Horse and Burro Program Appeal File and Transmittal Procedures

Instruction Memorandum
United States Department of the Interior
Arizona State Office
One North Central Avenue, Suite 800
Phoenix, Arizona  85004-4427
October 11, 2012
In Reply Refer To:
4160 (9320) P
Instruction Memorandum No. AZ-2013-002
Expires:  9/30/2013     Superseded by AZ-P-IM-2016-002
To:                  District Managers
From:              State Director
Subject:           Grazing and Wild Horse and Burro Program Appeal File and Transmittal Procedures
Program Area:  Rangeland Management and Wild Horse and Burro Program
Bureau of Land Management (BLM) final grazing and Wild Horse and Burro (WH&B) decisions may be appealed to the U.S. Department of the Interior’s Office of Hearings and Appeals (OHA), Hearings Division (HD).  The appealing party may also petition the OHA to “stay” the implementation of the BLM’s decision.  When this occurs, the BLM must transmit the appeal and, if received with, the Petition for Stay to the HD for an eventual ruling by an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ).  Most WH&B, Wildlife or Wildfire Management Appeals have different transmittal procedures.  The BLM transmits the Appeal File(s) to the Interior Board of Land Appeals (IBLA).
Purpose:  To clarify the policy for consistent appeal file contents and distributions.
Policy/Action:  The following procedures shall be followed by all District and Field Offices:

A.  Immediately upon receipt of an appeal, the Authorized Officer (AO) must take the following steps:

  1. Date-stamp the Notice of Appeal document, every attachment, and its envelope showing the post-office date stamp as “Received” with the receipt date, time and office name clearly indicated.  Attach the envelope with the appeal notice and keep together for future use.
  2. Assign the appeal case number for purposes of document control in the following convention:
For example, AZ-A010-12-01 would be the case number of the first appeal received by the Arizona Strip District, Arizona Strip Field Office, in Fiscal Year (FY) 2012.  Each new appeal shall receive the next number in consecutive order.  Log the Notice of Appeal into the Field Office appeal register. 
  1. To facilitate communication the Field Manager, which is the AO delegated to implement the regulations, should promptly inform the appropriate State Program Lead (PL) and Office of the Solicitor (SOL) that a Notice of Appeal and/or Petition for Stay have been received. The AO should also send an electronic copy (.pdf file) of the appeal and petition for stay to the PL and SOL.
B.  Transmitting Appeal Records and Stay Petition Response to the Hearings Division
  1. Appeal file(s) must be assembled within a 10-day timeframe as shown in the table below, in coordination with the State PL and the SOL.  If a petition has been served, these documents will also make up the “Hearings Division Copy” of the appeal case record.  The AO in consultation with the State PL and SOL must develop a response to the petition for stay and it must be filed with the HD within 10 days after receipt.
  1. Prepare a Grazing Appeal Transmittal, Form 1850-2.  Complete all required information clearly and concisely.  Form 1850-2 is signed by the AO and sent to the State Director (SD) with the appeal record for action and transmittal to an Administrative Law Judge in accordance with 43 CFR 4.470. This information will also be used by the State Office and the Field Solicitor. The table below provides a listing of documents that should be assembled within a 10-day timeframe.
If Petition of Stay
If no Petition for Stay
Form 1850-2, Grazing Appeal Transmittal Form. Complete all required information clearly and concisely.  Make copies for later use.
BLM’s response to the petition for stay (developed by the Solicitor and BLM working together) that addresses each of the four “Standards for Obtaining a Stay”.
The original of the appeal (Field Office keeps a copy)
The original of the petition for stay.
The Final Decision and proof of service on appellant.
The Proposed Decision and proof of service.
Copies of application or authorization documents pertinent the appeal (e.g. application, grazing permit, Notice of Trespass, Cooperative Range Improvement Agreement etc.).
If applicable, NEPA compliance documents, including any attachments or appendices.
Any other documents that the BLM, in consultation with the Solicitor, wants to include that supports the response to petition for stay and appeal.

Note:  If a petition for stay is not received, most of these documents will make up the “Hearings Division Copy” of the appeal case record. If a petition for stay has been received, the documents as determined by the Field Solicitor may be used to support BLM’s response to the petition for stay. 
C.  Prepare the Appeal Case File Record
  1. Prepare an Appeal File with documents that led up to the decision in reverse chronological order.  The SD must transmit the “Hearings Division Copy” within 10 days.
  1. Once the Appeal File is prepared, make three duplicate files.  The original will be kept at the Field Office, while the three copies are for the HD, State Office, and SOL.  The copies must be legible and complete.  Do not make double sided copies.
  1. The State Office and Solicitor’s appeal file copies are working files.  Some Field Solicitors prefer a simple single folder with documents in reverse chronological order similar to the Hearing Division’s Copy.
  2. The Standard format for the appeal file includes a 8-1/2” x 11” six-way folder organized in the following manner:

    Folder Cover Label
  • Appeal Case Number
  • Appellant’s Name
  • Appeal Date
  • Allotment Name
Compartment 1
  • Document Index – Create and maintain an index that list all documents, background information, supporting data, etc. in the file (See Attachment 1 for an example).  Separate each document by tab sheets in numerical order as referenced in the index.  Other documents may need to be added, so the index should remain open-ended.
Compartment 2
  • Cover memorandum from AO to SD.
    • Recommendations regarding deposition of the appeal;
    • Possibilities for settling the case through negotiations (this is an internal confidential document not transmitted with the HD - ALJ file).
  • Grazing Appeal Transmittal (Form 1850-2, on top).
  • Notice of Appeal with all attachments, Petition for Stay (if received).
  • Final Decision and evidence of service.
Compartment 3
  • Protest(s).
  • Proposed Decision and evidence of service.
Compartment 4
  • The Grazing Appeal Report (references supporting documents in Compartment 5).
The Grazing Appeal Report is a narrative that is part of the Appeal File that is reviewed by the State Office PL and SOL to get an understanding of the case.  It contains:
a.  A summary that chronologically describes the issues, events, actions, and requirements that culminated in the decision under appeal;
b.  A brief discussion of the Final Decision and how it addressed the events; issues, actions and requirements presented in the appeal; and,
c.  Responses to the allegations presented in the Appeal File.
d.  References to compartment 5 of the appeal file. This may include, but is not limited to:
  • BLM document’s and reports.
  • Legal and regulatory authority and precedential decisions, (from both judicial court and administrative proceedings pertaining to the matters decided by the final decision.
Compartment 5
  • Supporting Documents:
    All pertinent reports, i.e. Environmental Assessment, Land Health Evaluation Report, Maps, Consultation and Coordination letters, correspondence, telephone conversation documentation, applicable Resource Management Plan excerpts, and any other documents that relate to the decision under appeal.
  • Be as inclusive as possible, as these are the documents that will be used when selecting exhibits to be presented at a factual hearing.
Compartment 6
  • Subsequent documents associated with the Appeal will include all documents, i.e.  Transmittal letter to OHA, pleadings, ALJ orders, etc.
A.  Immediately upon receipt of an appeal, the AO must take the following steps:
  1. Date-stamp the Notice of Appeal document, every attachment, and the envelope showing the Post Office date stamp as “Received” with the receipt date, time and office name clearly indicated.  Attach the envelope with the Appeal Notice and keep together for future use.
  1. Log the appeal into the Field Office appeal register.  Assign the appeal case number for purposes of document control in the following convention.
For example, AZ-C010-12-01 would be the case number of the first appeal received by the Colorado River District, Kingman Field Office, in FY 2012.
  1. Contact the appropriate manager and State WH&B PL and inform them that an Appeal and/or Petition of Stay have been received.
If a Petition for Stay has been timely filed with the appeal, 43 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) §4.472(a) requires that the BLM must file its Agency Response to the Petition for Stay with the IBLA within 10 days after receipt.When this occurs, the AO must immediately consult with the State PL and the SOL to develop an appropriate response.
B.  Prepare the Appeal Case File Record as follows:

Prepare a memorandum to the SD that:
  • Responds to each claim alleged in the appeal;
  • Includes a discussion of the events that led up to the appeal;
  • And, if appropriate, any recommendations for dismissal.
The BLM Manual 1841.15A, Decisions Procedures, requires that an official Appeal File must be forwarded to the IBLA within 10 days following receipt of the appeal in accordance with 43 CFR 4.411(a). If no Petition for Stay is received, 43 CFR 4.472(c) requires the BLM to submit certain documents to the IBLA after the appeal has been docketed.The Field Manager and State WH&B PL will consult with the SOL and the Washington Program Office when developing responses to the appeal and petition for stay.
  1. Prepare a Document Index listing all documents in the Appeal File of the WH&B appeal (Document Number, Date, and Document Subject).  Separate each document by tab sheets in numerical order as referenced in the index.
  2. All original documents must be in the IBLA Appeal File for submission.  Include a chronological history of the events that led up to the appeal.
  1.  Include the appropriate supporting documents that constitute the Administrative Record, filed in date chronological order (latest dated documents on top of the file; earliest on bottom).  All copies should be very clear and easily legible, including all maps.  The Appeal File should also include related public scoping documents, Preliminary Environmental Assessment (EA), comments received from the appellant, the completed EA, Finding of No Significant Impact, and Record of Decision. 
C.  Prepare exact duplicate copies of the Appeal File for the Field Office, State WH&B PL, and the SOL.  Transmit all completed files, with the exception of the Field Office copy to the appropriate State PL in AZ9320.
Timeframe:  This policy is effective immediately.
Budget Impact:  None.
Background:  Background information can be found in Manual Handbook H-4160-1, Manual Handbook H-4700-1, and BLM Manual 1841.
Directives Affected:  None.
Coordination:  State Rangeland Management Specialist and WH&B Specialist.
Contact:  Questions related to this memorandum should be referred to either the Range or
Wild Horse and Burro PL.
Deborah K. Rawhouser
For State Director
Susan Williams
Staff Assistant
1 Attachment:
1 - Example of Appeal Case Record Index (1 p)