Cost Recovery Fee Schedule for the Public

Instruction Memorandum
United States Department of the Interior
Arizona State Office
One North Central Avenue, Suite 800
Phoenix, Arizona  85004-4427
August 24, 2009
In Reply Refer To:
1270-2/1271 (9540) P
Supersedes IM AZ-2008-029
Instruction Memorandum No. AZ-2009-024
Expires:  When Superseded or Canceled     Superseded by IMAZ-2010-010
District Managers and Field Managers; Chief Information Officer (AZ9540)
Attention:  Public Rooms
Deputy State Director, Division of Business and Support Services
Cost Recovery Fee Schedule for the Public
Purpose:  This Instruction Memorandum (IM) transmits the revised Arizona Cost Recovery Fee Schedule to reflect increased Department of the Interior (DOI) search and review fees that went into effect on August 1, 2009.
Policy/Action:  This IM cancels IM No. AZ-2008-029.  All Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Arizona Public Rooms are to adopt the cost recovery fees shown in the attached schedule.  Attachment 1 is the complete schedule of fees to charge when selling products or providing services through a BLM Public Room.  Offices are required to post their fees for goods or services routinely provided through their Public Room; Attachment 2 is a sample list for posting, individual offices should revise this list to reflect items particular to that office.
Timeframe:  Effective immediately.
Background:  In accordance with 43 CFR Part 2, Appendix C(1), the DOI annually revises the cost recovery fees for search and review charged to the public.  No other fees have been changed.
Manual/Handbook Sections Affected:  BLM Handbook 1270-2 - Cost Recovery and BLM Manual 1271 - BLM Information Access Centers.
Contact:  Toni Klimek, State Records Administration Team Lead, at 602-417-9364.
Signed by:
Raymond Suazo
DSD, Business & Support Services
Authenticated by:
Margaret Walker
Division Management Assistant
2 Attachments:
1 - BLM - Arizona Cost Recovery Fee Schedule (7 pp)
2 - Sample Lists of Products to Post in Public Rooms (2 pp)