Arizona State Safety Plan Goals for Fiscal Year (FY) 2008

Instruction Memorandum
United States Department of the Interior
Arizona State Office
One North Central Avenue, Suite 800
Phoenix, Arizona  85004-4427
December 5, 2007
In Reply Refer To:
1112 (AZ-950) P
Instruction Memorandum No. AZ-2008-010
Expires:  When Superseded or Canceled     Superseded by IMAZ-2010-005
All Employees
State Director
Arizona State Safety Plan Goals for Fiscal Year (FY) 2008
Purpose:  The purpose of this Instruction Memorandum (IM) is to promote safety awareness among managers, supervisors, and employees in order to identify and eliminate unsafe working conditions and practices.  The State Safety Plan (Attachment 1) identifies the six elements required in a Safety Plan and provides policy direction for the Arizona Safety and Health Program.
Policy/Action:  The following safety goals and objectives have been identified for accomplishment in FY 2008.
  1. Continue to maintain a level of safety awareness that will maintain Arizona in good safety, health, and environmental condition. Work to satisfy the requirements of (Washington Office) WO IM 2002-211, issued by the Assistant Director, Minerals, Realty, and Resource Protection as reported through the Compliance, Assessment, Safety, Health, Environment (CASHE) process.  The goal for FY 2008 is zero (0) Risk Assessment Code (RAC) 1 and 2 Safety and Health findings and zero (0) IA and IB Environmental findings.  Deferred Maintenance funding should be requested from the WO-360 CASHE program lead to correct findings.
  1. Utilize the Risk Management Process.  Integrate it into all processes as the primary hazard reduction tool for the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Arizona.  Provide training for Risk Management as needed in FY 2008.
  1. The State Safety Manager will work with the Districts and Field Offices to identify Best Practices and incorporate them into the State Safety Program as valued practices to be followed for safety.  Coordinate Best Practices into Safety Program requirements and site specific safety needs.  Post to the Safety Website.
  1. Continue the very successful Safety Stand-Down Training Day program for all Arizona BLM facilities.  The State Safety Committee will develop the schedule and agenda for the training. 
  1. Working through the State Safety Committee, establish a State Vehicle Driving Policy which will be in compliance with all applicable Department/Bureau regulations and standard practices.
  1. Conduct training as required for Collateral Duty Safety Officers in the state.  Concentrate on safety responsibilities of accident reporting, Safety Management Information System (SMIS) data, safety processes (standards/regulations etc.), and other safety related duties. 
  1. Coordinate, as the Point of Contact, the CASHE Audits for the Colorado River District to include audits of the Lake Havasu and Yuma Field Offices scheduled for January 2008.
  1. Conduct annual District/Field Office safety inspections and perform District/Field Office Safety Program evaluations.  The Gila District, and the Safford and Tucson Field Offices will be evaluated in FY 2008.
  1. Establish a Safety Awards Program to recognize and reward those employees and employee groups who demonstrate outstanding performance in Safety and Occupational Health.  Best Safety Practices will also be recognized.
  1. Be vigilant of Border Safety Concerns and provide guidance as needed to protect employees who work in the Borderlands region.
Timeframe:  A visit to each District/Field Office will be scheduled by the State Safety Manager to assist with incorporation of these processes into day to day business practices and completion of the goals outlined above.  These goals and objectives should be integrated into your operations by August 30, 2008.
Background:  Managers and supervisors should review the State Safety Plan and develop a strategy to ensure that Risk Management is integrated as a part of all activities and specific goals for FY 2008.  The attached information is designed to assist in developing a safety strategy for our programs and facilities.  The State Safety Manager is available to provide assistance, recommendations, and/or site visits to assist in the development and implementation of a safety strategy.
Manual/Handbook Sections Affected:  485 Departmental Manual (Safety and Health Handbook); BLM Manual 1112 (Safety); BLM Manual Handbook I H-1112-1 (Safety and Health Management); BLM Manual Handbook 1112-2 (Safety and Health for Field Operations); 29 CFR 1960; and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Requirements.
Contact:  For questions or further information, please contact Bill Huntington, State Safety and Occupational Health Manager, Arizona State Office, at 602-417-9261.
Signed By:
Helen Hankins
Associate State Director
FOR  Elaine Y. Zielinski
Authenticated By:
Hillary Conner
1 Attachment:
1 - State Safety Plan FY 2008 (8 pp)