Addition to the Alaska Supplement to BLM Manual 2920, relating to Winter Use Only Commercial Trapping Cabins

Instruction Memorandum

United States Department of the Interior
Alaska State Office
222 West Seventh Avenue, #13
Anchorage, Alaska 99513-7504

In Reply Refer To:
2920 (963) P

October 10, 2012

Instruction Memorandum No. 2012-022
Expires: 09/30/2014

To: All Employees

From: State Director

Subject: Addition to the Alaska Supplement to BLM Manual 2920, relating to Winter Use Only Commercial Trapping Cabins.

Program Area: Lands and Realty

Purpose: To provide additional guidance and policy relating to the authorization of Winter Use Only Commercial Trapping Cabins on Bureau of Land Management (BLM) managed public lands.

Policy/Action: Section 1.11.B.1 of the Alaska Supplement to BLM Manual 2920, included as Appendix A to this IM, provides new policy relating to the authorization of permanent structures on the National System of Public Lands. This addition to policy relates specifically to winter use only commercial trapping cabins and related structures.

Timeframe: Effective Immediately.

Budget Impact: Negligible

Background: Current policy allows individuals/companies to obtain a lease to build permanent structures (usually cabins) on BLM managed public lands for certain commercial activities. The Districts apply the following test to determine if the commercial activity is of sufficient scope to justify considering a lease: According to the Alaska Supplement to BLM Manual 2920, the activity meets the "commercial activity" definition if 25% or more of the individuals/company's annual gross income is derived from the activity.

Based upon requests from BLM District Managers, concerned with health and safety issues, the State of Alaska, and the general public, BLM conducted a review of its policies relating to commercial trapping cabins and determined that a separate test was appropriate for winter use only commercial trapping cabins.

This addition to policy is expected to provide improved health and safety for commercial trappers operating on the National System of Public Lands.

Manual/Handbook Sections Affected: Alaska Supplement to BLM Manual 2920

Coordination: AK-960, Division of Alaska Lands, Anchorage District Office, Fairbanks District Office, and the Regional Solicitors Office.

Contact: Stephen Fusilier, (907) 271-4694.

Signed by:
Bud Cribley
Alaska State Director

Signed by:
Anita R. Jette
Records Specialist