Transition of Wild Horses and Burros from Off-Range Corrals to Off-Range Pastures

IM 2017-068
Instruction Memorandum

WASHINGTON, D.C. 20240-0036

April 18, 2017

In Reply Refer To:

4750 (260) P


Instruction Memorandum No. 2017-068

Expires: 09/30/2020

To:                   All Field Office Officials 

From:               Assistant Director, Resources and Planning

Subject:            Transition of Wild Horses and Burros from Off-Range Corrals to Off-Range Pastures

Program Area: The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Wild Horse and Burro Program

Purpose: This instruction memorandum (IM) establishes and outlines policy intended to maximize the safe and efficient transition of wild horses and mules that are not desirable for adoption from Off-Range Corrals (ORCs) to Off-Range Pastures (ORPs) for cost reduction.

Policy/Action:  ORCs provide multiple functions and operate as preparation, maintenance, adoption and distribution facilities for wild horses, mules and burros removed from the range. Some ORCs provide all of these functions while others do not.  When spaces become available in ORPs, wild horses and mules that are unlikely to be adopted and that meet the criteria listed below will be transitioned to the ORP as soon as logistically possible. Burros are not maintained at ORPs.

To facilitate orderly transition, the National Shipping Coordinator will collaborate with the ORP Contracting Officers Representative to consider the animal criteria and the following factors: space availability, transportation, weather, and contractor readiness. All efforts will be made to ensure the program is being managed as cost-effectively as possible.

Animal Criteria and Requirements for Transporting to ORPs

Horses meeting euthanasia reasons related to acts of mercy, health, and safety, according to IM 2015-070 Animal Health, Maintenance, Evaluation and Response, shall not be shipped to ORPs. Horses of any age can be transported to an ORP; however, the following are criteria, in no particular order, to be used to prioritize animal selections:

  • Horses that possess undesirable characteristics for adoption,
  • Horses six years or older, and/or
  • Pregnant mares five years or older may be considered, and
  • No stallions or cryptorchids shall be shipped to ORPs.

The following are required actions by facilities prior to transport to ORPs:

  • Horses shall be sorted and shipped by gender,
  • Freezemarked on the left hip with the last four numbers of the animals’ freezemark (three inch or larger iron should be used), and
  • Horses 11 years or older should have the identifying “U” on the neck.

Timeframe: This instruction memorandum is effective immediately.

Budget Impact: In implementing this policy, the goal is to minimize BLM’s financial obligations for the maintenance of excess wild horses removed from the public lands in population management operations.

Background:   The Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act of 1971, as amended, gave the Department of the Interior’s BLM the authority to protect, manage, and control wild horses and burros on the nation’s public rangelands to ensure healthy herds and healthy rangelands. This law authorizes the BLM to remove excess wild horses and burros from the range to sustain the health and productivity of the public lands. The BLM is responsible for the care of animals during gathers and those removed from the range. As of September 30, 2016, the total capacity of ORCs was 24,650, with a population of about 13,500, and average costs of $4.99/head/day.  The total capacity of ORPs was over 33,800, with a population of about 32,000, and average costs of $1.82/head/day. Animals are cared for at ORCs and ORPs until they are placed into private care or live out the remainder of their lives.

Manual/Handbook Sections Affected: This policy does not change or affect manuals or handbooks.

Coordination: This IM was coordinated with the Wild Horse and Burro (WHB) State Leads, WHB Specialists, and the Washington Office WHB Program staff.  

Contact: Questions concerning this policy should be directed to Holle’ Waddell, Wild Horse and Burro Program Off-Range Branch Chief, (405) 579-1860.


Signed by:                                                                   Authenticated by:

Kristin Bail,                                                                Robert M. Williams                                        

Assistant Director,                                                      Division of IT Policy and Planning,WO-870

Resources and Planning                                  

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