Procedures for Acquiring New Mobile Technology

IM 2014-126
Instruction Memorandum

United States Department of the Interior


Washington, D.C.  20240

August 14, 2014


In Reply Refer To:

1680; 1263 (850) P  



Instruction Memorandum No. 2014-126                   

Expires:  09/30/2015


To:         ADs, SDs and CDs

      Attn:    Business Management Council (BMC)

                  State Budget Officers

                  Zone Chiefs    

From:     Assistant Director, Business, Fiscal and Information Resources Management

Subject:  Procedures for Acquiring New Mobile Technology                                                           

Program Area:  Information Technology (IT)

Purpose:  This Instruction Memorandum (IM) reinforces existing Bureau of Land Management (BLM) IT Technical and Security standards for mobile technology.  This policy establishes the process for States, Centers and Directorates to acquire new mobile technology to support new and existing business needs.

Policy/Action:  To ensure that use of new mobile technology is successful, such acquisitions need to be supported within the BLM environment.  Proposed device purchases must be coordinated with your Zone Chief prior to purchase to ensure this compatibility.  Proposed devices will be reviewed by the National Operations Center (NOC) Division of Information Resource Management (DIRM) and WO-800 prior to introduction to the BLM environment.  These reviews will be used to consolidate initiatives, verify compliance, and determine readiness.

Steps for approval and purchase:

  1. Assistant, State, or Center Director sponsorship is required.
  2. Request must justify a mission need.
  3. Costs (including data plans) will be paid by the originating office.
  4. Proposed technology needs to adhere to Department of the Interior (DOI)/BLM Security, Records, Privacy, Personal-Use and Government Furnished Equipment requirements.
  5. Submit request form (Attachment 1) to your regional Zone Chief (or delegated) for review.
  6. All device acquisitions will be reviewed and coordinated with WO-800 and the NOC-DIRM through your Zone Chief (or delegated) within 30 days.
  7. The device’s usability within the BLM environment will be considered during this review process.
  8. Once approved, final purchasing/acquisition will be executed at the discretion of the Center or State.

Timeframe:  This IM is effective on the date of issuance.

Budget Impact:  None.

Background:  The Executive Leadership Team’s (ELT) support for a more mobile workforce and work environment has emphasized that there is an increasing demand for mobile devices and technologies.  The BLM seeks to maximize the use of new technology and accompanying devices to assist the workforce in attaining a higher level of technological support.  Given the frequent advances in available technology, the BLM will need to balance its investments to meet mission needs, while maintaining adequate support for such technologies and data requirements. 

Manual/ Handbook Sections Affected:  None.

Coordination:  This IM was coordinated between the NOC-DIRM and WO-800 Directorate. 

Contact:  For questions regarding application of these standards, please contact Steven Snow, IT Specialist, Business, Fiscal and Information Resources Management, at (202) 912-7577.


Signed by:
Janine Velasco
Assistant Director
Business, Fiscal and Information Resources Management

Authenticated by:
Robert M. Williams
Division of IRM Governance, WO-860

1 Attachment:  

     1-Request Form (1 p)

Fiscal Year