Review of the Bureau of Land Management Strategic Plan for Migratory Bird Conservation

IM 2013-119
Instruction Memorandum

April 12, 2013


In Reply Refer To:
6500 (230) P


Instruction Memorandum No. 2013-119
Expires:  09/30/2014

To:                   All Washington Office and Field Office Officials

From:              Assistant Director, Renewable Resources and Planning

Subject:           Review of the Bureau of Land Management Strategic Plan for Migratory Bird Conservation                                                                              DD: 05/20/2013

Program Areas:  All Programs

Purpose:  This Instruction Memorandum (IM) requests comments on the draft Strategic Plan for Migratory Bird Conservation (Attachment 1), which proposes a series of goals and actions to implement the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) to strengthen migratory bird conservation through strategies that promote conservation and avoid adverse impacts to migratory birds at the BLM.  The MOU, signed April 12, 2010 (Appendix A), required by Executive Order 13186, agreed with the FWS that the BLM shall develop and implement a strategic plan to facilitate implementation of the MOU.

Policy/Action:  The BLM managers and staff at state offices, field offices, centers, and the Washington Office (WO) are requested to provide comments on the clarity and appropriateness of the attached Strategic Plan.  Each BLM WO division and state office should submit one set of consolidated comments through the Deputy State Director – Resources (or equivalent) using the attached comment form.

Timeframe:  Please consolidate by state office, center, and division and submit all comments by May 20, 2013, to Geoff Walsh at, and copy Jim Ramakka at

Budget Impact:  Minimal.

Background:  This Strategic Plan, for the five years after approval, will guide the BLM in treatment of migratory birds in partnership with the FWS, and other parties under the BLM’s multiple use mandate.  The plan development was assisted through input from the BLM team members in all states.   The BLM, in a mostly informal unstructured matter, has addressed migratory birds in most states and field offices.  Creating a structured approach, as in this Strategic Plan, provides for consistency, addresses unfulfilled needs in training, conservation and outreach, and better identifies opportunity to recognize existing efforts.

The Strategic Plan has ten sections referred to as emphasis areas:

  • Emphasis Area1:  Migratory Birds in National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Documentation and Planning
  • Emphasis Area 2:  Migratory Bird Conservation Measures
  • Emphasis Area 3:  Habitat Management
  • Emphasis Area 4:  Coordinated Inventory and Monitoring
  • Emphasis Area 5:  Education/Outreach
  • Emphasis Area 6:  Reports and Milestones
  • Emphasis Area 7:  Internal/External Coordination
  • Emphasis Area 8:  Partnerships/Data and Information Sharing
  • Emphasis Area 9:  Research and Science Related to Migratory Birds and Their Habitat
  • Emphasis Area 10:  Migratory Bird Take Permit Compliance and Monitoring

Manual/Handbook Sections Affected:  None

Coordination:  The document has been reviewed by BLM WO Division of Fish and Wildlife Conservation (WO-230) staff; the WO-200 Assistant Director, Renewable Resources and Planning, has been briefed on the Strategic Plan.  The WO-300 staff has been briefed on the Strategic Plan.  Field personnel from every BLM State have participated in drafting this Strategic Plan.  The FWS (Division of Bird Conservation) and other partner agency personnel have been informally briefed on the contents and intent of this Strategic Plan.

Contact:  Geoff Walsh, Wildlife Biologist (WO-230), (202) 912-7271; Dwight Fielder, Chief of the Division of Fish and Wildlife Conservation (WO-230).

Signed by:                                                       Authenticated by:

Edwin L. Roberson                                         Robert M. Williams
Assistant Director                                           Division of IRM Governance,WO-560
Renewable Resources and Planning

3 Attachments

      1 – BLM Strategic Plan for Migratory Bird Conservation (18 pp)

      2 – Appendices to the BLM Strategic Plan for Migratory Bird Conservation (33 pp)

      3 – BLM Strategic Plan for Migratory Bird conservation –Review Sheet (1 p)   


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