Reissue Stewardship “End Results” Contracting Guidance (Version 3.0)

IM 2013-057
Instruction Memorandum



January 23, 2013


In Reply Refer To:

1372, 1510, 1511, 5000, 5200, 5920 (220) P                                                                                      



Instruction Memorandum No. 2013-057

Expires:   09/30/2014


To:              All Field and Washington Office Officials

From:          Acting Director

Subject:      Reissue Stewardship “End Results” Contracting Guidance (Version 3.0)

Program Areas:  Forests and Woodlands Management, Wildlife, Fisheries and Riparian Management, Fuels Management, Rangeland Management and Procurement and Acquisition.

Purposes:  Reissue the Bureau Land Management’s (BLM) guidance for implementation of Stewardship Contracting Authority and incorporate any changes, supplements and additions to the original guidance issued in IM 2004-081 and updated in IM 2006-058 into a single guidebook.

The Stewardship Contracting guidance issued on January 14, 2004 has been supplemented and or changed by the following IMs: IM 2004-081, Change 1, Stewardship Contracting Project Approval; IM  2005-099, Supplementary Guidance for the use of Forest Product Sale Contracts for Stewardship Projects; IM 2005-134, Delegation of Stewardship Contracting Authority; BC-2005-032, Guidance on Entering Stewardship Contracting Collections into the Collections and Billing System (CBS); and IM 2005-239, Guidance for the use of Cooperative Agreements to implement Stewardship Projects.

In general, this updated version of the guidance is more comprehensive than previous versions.  It also makes the following general changes:

  • For projects five years in duration and less, approval authority may be re-delegated to District Managers or Deputy State Directors.
  • The Forest Ecosystem Health and Recovery Fund (5900) may be used as long as receipts from timber are initially paid to the 5900 account, and is at the discretion of the Senior Public Domain Forester.
  • Minimum clauses to be used in service contracts are incorporated as an appendix.
  • Agreements shall be processed by the Grants Management Officers (GMOs) within their respective state; however, GMOs in the Idaho State Office or Oregon State Office must review.
  • Contracting Officers can process stewardship contracts within their delegation of authority limits (warrants). 
  • Agreement template that incorporates the clause to provide liability insurance.
  • Use of Stewardship Credits in Assistance Agreements.
  • Clarification about the inclusion of Tax Identification Number in Forest Product Sale contracts.
  • Hyperlinks to reference documents. 

Policy/Action:  The attached Stewardship Contracting Guidance v 3.0, will be used to develop, contract, implement, track and monitor approved stewardship projects.  This guidance will replace the Stewardship Contracting Guidance issued in IM 2006-058.

Background:  The BLM was authorized in the Omnibus Appropriations Bill of 2003 (P.L. 108-7, Section 323) to enter into stewardship contracts to achieve land management goals for public lands.  This authority allows the BLM to enter into long-term end result contracts or agreements (up to ten years in length) that allow the value of timber or other forest products removed as an offset against the services received.  Any excess revenues are available for expenditure at the project site or other approved stewardship project sites without further appropriation.  As of May 15, 2012, the BLM has awarded 466 projects which include 107,000 acres.

The primary objective of a stewardship project is to achieve one or more of the land management goals that meet local and rural community needs.  These goals as identified in the authorizing legislation may include but are not limited to:

  • Road and trail maintenance or obliteration to restore or maintain water quality;
  • Soil productivity, habitat for wildlife and fisheries, or other resource values;
  • Setting prescribed fires to improve composition, structure, condition, and health of  stands or to improve wildlife habitat;
  • Removing vegetation or other activities to promote healthy forest stands, reduce fire hazards or achieve other land management objectives;
  • Watershed restoration and maintenance;
  • Restoration and maintenance of wildlife and fish habitat; and
  • Control of noxious and exotic weeds and reestablishing native plant species.

Impact on Budget:  Implementing this request has minimal budget implications, and will improve the efficiency of stewardship projects.

Coordination:  This IM was coordinated with the Office of Fire and Aviation (FA-600), Forest, Rangeland, Riparian, and Plant Conservation (WO-220), Procurement/ Acquisition (WO-850) and the Office of the Solicitor.

Contact:  Additional information is available by contacting Wade Salverson, Stewardship/Biomass Forester (WO-220), at 202-912-7247, or Kathy Radigan, Public Domain Forester (WO-220) at 202- 912-7433.



Signed by:                                                       Authenticated by:

Janine Velasco                                                Robert M. Williams

Acting, Director                                              Division of IRM Governance,WO-560



2 Attachments

  1 - Stewardship Contracting Guidance v 3.0 (61 pp)

  2 - Stewardship Project Review and Approval Form (1 p)