Identification of Citation Title Naming Conventions for Geospatial Metadata

IM 2013-044
Instruction Memorandum

United States Department of the Interior


Washington, D.C.  20240


January 11, 2013               

In Reply Refer To:

1283 (570) P



Instruction Memorandum No. 2013-044

Expires:  9/30/2014


To:                   All Field Officials

From:               Assistant Director, Information Resources Management

Subject:           Identification of Citation Title Naming Conventions for Geospatial Metadata

Program Area:  Data Management.

Purpose:  This Instruction Memorandum (IM) transmits the guidelines for the structure of Identification of Citation Title Naming Convention for Geospatial Metadata (citation title). 

Policy/Action: The attached guidelines set the Bureau standard and should be applied when naming citation titles for newly published geospatial metadata.  A standardized structure for naming citation titles will enable easier search and discovery of datasets.  Legacy titles of existing geospatial metadata already published will be edited to conform to this new structure upon replacement through an established update cycle. 

As federal agencies are required to post datasets on, this standard structure ensures branding of BLM datasets by requiring that all new datasets published will have “BLM” as the first identifier in the title.  Districts with Unions are reminded to notify their unions of this instruction memorandum and satisfy any bargaining obligations before implementation.  Your servicing Human Resources Office or Labor Relations Specialist can provide you with assistance in this matter.

Timeframe:  Effective Immediately.

Budget Impact:  None.

Background:  The Corporate Metadata Advisory Team (CMAT) is a national BLM team composed of nine members and two advisory members. The team provides leadership regarding all business functions within the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) pertaining to corporate metadata.  They coordinate and lead activities to ensure that corporate metadata is created, made accessible, and provides needed information about the BLM’s business.

At the August 2010 annual meeting, one of the issues CMAT addressed was the inadequate search and discovery of geospatial datasets due to poor structure of the citation title of geospatial metadata.  This issue is further compounded by inconsistency in naming citation titles throughout the agency.

Manual/Handbook Sections Affected:  BLM Manual Handbook H 1283-1, Data Administration and Management (Public).

Coordination:  Corporate Metadata Advisory Team, WO-570 Bureau Data Administrator.

Contacts:  Questions may be directed to Christine Hawkinson, Bureau Data Administrator at (202) 912-7373,; or Stan Frazier, Corporate Metadata Advisory Team Chair (503) 808-6009,


Signed by:                                                                   Authenticated by:

Lisa L. Jollay                                                               Ambyr Fowler            

Acting, Assistant Direction                                           Division of IRM Governance, WO-560

Information Resources Management



Naming Convention for Citation Title for Geospatial Metadata (2 pp)