Standardization of Bureau Timber Sale Contract Numbering

IM 2012-153
Instruction Memorandum

UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIORBUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENTWASHINGTON, D.C. 20240http://www.blm.govJune 28, 2012In Reply Refer To:5474 (WO-200) P EMSTRANSMISSION 07/06/2012Instruction Memorandum No. 2012-153Expires: 09/30/2013To: All Washington Office and Field Office OfficialsFrom: Assistant Director, Renewable Resources and PlanningSubject: Standardization of Bureau Timber Sale Contract Numbering Program Area: Forests and Woodlands Management.Purpose: The purpose of this Instruction Memorandum (IM) is to establish a standardized format for numbering timber sale contracts.Policy/Action: New Timber Sale contracts issued after this IM is issued shall use the following timber sale number format:AAA99-TS-YYYY.NNNNWhere:AAA99 = Cost CenterTS = refers to timber saleYYYY = fiscal year offeredNNNN = Office timber sale numberFor example a timber sale in the Eugene, Oregon District offered in fiscal year 2012 numbered 134 would have the following contract number #ORE00-TS-2012.0134. Use of the field office cost center in the contract number is optional. Reoffered no-bid sales shall retain the contract number of the original offer date.Timber Sale contracts issued prior to this IM shall retain the old format of the contract number.Timeframe: This timber sale numbering format will become effective immediately when this IM is issued. Budget Impact: None.Background: The timber sale contact number includes the office code. The change from office codes to cost centers has made this change in the timber sale contract number format necessary. TSIS 5.0 uses the new contract number format as it's default number code. The Collections and Billing System accepts both the new and old timber sale contract number format.Manual/Handbook Sections Affected: This Timber Sale number format will be included in the BLM Manual Section 5400.Coordination: Revising the timber sale contract number was coordinated among Mike Bechdolt, O&C Forester, Washington Office (WO220); Dave Roche, O&C Forester (OR-931), Dick Watson, National Operations Center (NOC) Forester (OC-580), and Jacquelyn Grenfell, Accountant (OC621).Contacts: Additional information is available by contacting Dave Roche 503-808-6020 or Dick Watson at 303-236-0158.Signed by: Edwin L. Roberson WO-560 Renewable Resources and PlanningAuthenticated by: Robert M. Williams, Assistant Director Division of IRM Governance