This Policy is Inactive
Expired on:

Retirement of Certain Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Volunteer Program Forms

IM 2012-057
Instruction Memorandum


January 24, 2012


In Reply Refer To:

1114 (420) P


Instruction Memorandum No. 2012-057
Expires:  09/30/2013

To:                   All Washington Office and Field Office Officials

                        Attn:    Volunteer Coordinators Forms Managers                                   

From:               Assistant Director, National Landscape Conservation System and Community Partnerships                     

Subject:           Retirement of Certain Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Volunteer Program Forms                                                                                                                     

Program Area:  Volunteers

Purpose:  This Instruction Memorandum (IM) provides formal notification that the following BLM Volunteer Program forms are now obsolete and any unused copies should be discarded:

Form 1114-1               Volunteer Performance Evaluation                

Form 1114-2               Volunteer Identification Card

Form 1114-4               Individual Volunteer Services Agreement

Form 1114-5               Group Volunteer Services Agreement

Form 1114-5a             Parental Approval Form for Volunteers Under 18 Years of Age

Form 1114-7               Volunteer and Hosted Worker Report

Form 1114-9               Volunteer Appreciation Certificate

Form 1114-10             Volunteer Application

Policy/Action:  Effective immediately, BLM Forms 1114-1, 1114-2, 1114-4, 1114-5, 1114-5a, 1114-7, 1114-9, and 1114-10 are cancelled.  All BLM organizations should destroy any remaining inventory of these forms not currently in use.  (Existing forms 1114-4 and 1114-5 may be renewed for long-term volunteers).  The forms will no longer be available through the Printed Materials Distribution Services at the National Operations Center nor from the BLM Internal Forms Website (Forms Central) .

Time Frame:  This Instruction Memorandum is effective immediately.

Background:  Explanations for the retirement of the aforementioned forms are as follows:

  • Interagency Optional Form 301a (“Volunteer Services Agreement for Natural Resources Agencies for Individuals or Groups”) accommodates all information formerly addressed by BLM Forms 1114-1, 1114-4, 1114-5, and 1114-5a.  The form is available on the BLM Volunteer Program intranet at as well as the General Services Administration website.
  • The Department of the Interior Access Card has replaced Form 1114-2.
  • BLM Volunteer Program Annual Report submissions have replaced data submitted via Form 1114-7.
  • Form 1114-9 may be replaced by locally-produced, customized certificates of appreciation.  Sample certificates developed by the Washington Office are also available on the BLM Volunteer Program intranet.
  • The interagency volunteer recruitment and application website at and interagency Optional Form 301 (“Volunteer Application for Natural Resources Agencies”) have obviated the need for Form 1114-10.  Form 301 is available on the BLM Volunteer Program intranet as well as the General Services Administration website.

Budget Impact:  None. 

Manual/Handbooks Affected:  BLM Manual Section 1114, “Volunteers”

Coordination: This document was coordinated with Karen Wrenn (OC-652), BLM Electronic Forms Manager.

Contact:  Please address any questions or concerns regarding this IM to Bibi Booth of the Division of Education, Interpretation, and Partnerships at or (202) 912-7451. 

Signed by:                                                                   Authenticated by:
Carl Rountree                                                             Robert M. Williams
Assistant Director, National Landscape                     Division of IRM Governance,WO-560
Conservation System and Community Partnerships