Implementation of the Guidelines for a Quality Built Environment

IM 2012-010
Instruction Memorandum




October 25, 2011

In Reply Refer To:

8400 (250) P



Instruction Memorandum No. 2012-010

Expires: 09/30/2013   


To:                   All WO and Field Officials

From:               Director

Subject:           Implementation of the Guidelines for a Quality Built Environment

Program Area:   Recreation, Engineering and Asset Management, National Monuments and Conservation Areas

Purpose:  This Instruction Memorandum (IM) announces the availability of the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) Guidelines for a Quality Built Environment (GQBE).  This IM also directs the implementation of these guidelines.

Policy/Action:  The GQBE shall be applied to all capital improvement, deferred maintenance, and Compliance Assessment – Safety, Health and the Environment (CASHE) projects.  It shall also be considered as a part of the criteria when selecting leased facilities, when appropriate.  The GQBE provides guidance for all phases of facility development beginning with structuring a project team, and progressing through project planning, design, construction, maintenance, and replacement.  The guidelines are to be used as a tool serving all those involved with facility development, including internal staff, design, construction and maintenance contractors, and volunteers.

All BLM facility project teams shall consider and evaluate all opportunities to integrate the GQBE basic goals of sustainability, functionality, cost effectiveness and responsiveness to place and setting, when developing projects.

Timeframe:  The GQBE is available for immediate use and reference.  Electronic copies may be downloaded from the BLM sites listed below:

  • Intranet website
  • Internet website

Printed copies may be ordered from the BLM National Operations Center Publications and Materials Distribution Center.

Budget Impact:  There will be minimal immediate impact to the BLM’s operational budget to implement the GQBE.  Some capital improvement projects may realize some escalation in costs while others may experience reduction in costs.  Over the long-term the BLM expects the GQBE to lead to a significant overall reduction in life-cycle/whole-life costs of the BLM assets through constructing environmentally sustainable, physically durable and energy efficient facilities. 

Background:  The GQBE was produced as a resource to advance the BLM’s leadership in constructing sustainable and context appropriate sites and facilities assuring a quality-built BLM environment. in compliance with the  directives set forth by Executive Order 13514:  Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance, 2009 and Federal Leadership in High Performance and Sustainable Buildings Memorandum of Understanding.

The term "built environment" refers to the constructed surroundings that provide the setting for human activities.  The BLM’s built environment may include:  office buildings, visitor centers, fire stations, warehouse and maintenance yards, campgrounds, picnic areas, trails, roads, parking areas, scenic overlooks, etc.  How these facilities are planned, designed, built, and maintained reflects upon the BLM’s commitment to environmental sustainability.

The GQBE was developed from a series of facilitated collaborative workshops and meetings with internal BLM personnel and external stakeholders that included a range of professions, responsibilities, backgrounds, and geographic locations representing a comprehensive array of knowledge, experiences, and insights related to BLM facility planning, design, construction, operations and maintenance.

Everything the BLM builds conveys a message to the public.  The execution of a well-planned project with a commitment to excellence will help establish the same high standard for all BLM facilities and publicly communicates the BLM’s dedication to a quality built environment.

Manual/Handbook Sections Affected:  None.

Coordination:  These guidelines were coordinated among the Recreation and Visitor Services Division, Branch of Engineering and Asset Management Policy, the NOC Branch of Architecture and Engineering Services, the NOC Branch of Technical Operations, and the National Landscape Conservation System representative state and field office program leads.

Contacts:  For questions regarding the GQBE contents and implementation contact Andy Tenney, Acting Chief, Division of Recreation and Visitor Services, WO-250 at 202-912-7094; John McCarty, Chief Landscape Architect WO-250 at 202-912-7284; Allysia Angus, Landscape Architect, UT GSE National Monument at 435-826-5615; Victor Montoya, Program Manager, Branch of Engineering and Asset Management Policy, WO-854 at 202-912-7041; or Robert Hart, Chief, Branch of Architecture and Engineering Services, OC-670 at 303-236-1160. 


Signed by:                                                                   Authenticated by:

Mike Pool                                                                    Robert M. Williams

Deputy Director, Operations                                      Division of IRM Governance,WO-560

Fiscal Year