National Lands Training for Line Officers and Program Managers Course, 2000-23 Nomination Registration

IM 2011-144
Instruction Memorandum



Washington, DC 20240


July 1, 2011


In Reply Refer To:

2000 (350) P



Instruction Memorandum No. 2011-144

Expires:  09/30/2012


To:                   AD-200, Director-NLCS and AFOs

From:               Assistant Director, Minerals and Realty Management

Subject:           National Lands Training for Line Officers and Program Managers Course, 2000-23 – Nomination Registration                       DD:  08/01/2011


Program Area:  Lands and Realty.

Purpose:  To provide registration information for the National Lands Training for Line Officers and Program Managers Course, 2000-23. Due to budget impacts, we would like to get an accurate count of committed participants to help us determine if the course will be held this year.

Policy/Action:  The joint Bureau of Land Management (BLM)/Forest Service (FS) National Lands Training for Line Officers and Program Managers course will be held October 17 - 21, 2011, at the United States Fish Wildlife Service National Conservation Training Center (NCTC), in Shepherdstown, West Virginia.  Primary objectives of this national course are to provide line officers and lands program managers with concepts and principles unique to land and realty management responsibilities and enhance competency in application of lands policies and procedures.  The BLM and the FS offer this course to strengthen the lands and realty missions of both agencies.

Timeframe:  Individuals interested in attending this course must register before August 1, 2011, through DOILEARN (  DOILEARN will put all registrants in a “waiting list” status. 

The Washington Office will review the applicants and send final selection notifications in late August 2011.  The notification will provide information regarding meals, lodging, and transportation.

We must limit the class to 100 participants, consisting of approximately 50 participants per agency, and will divide participants into smaller groups for more one-on-one instruction.  Normally offered once per year in the fall, we will tentatively hold the Fiscal Year (FY) 2013 course October 15-19, 2012.

Budget Impact:  There is no tuition charge for this course.  Costs include Federal per diem (currently $82 + $51, NTE $133), salary, and travel (Dulles International Airport (IAD) or other appropriate airport). 

Background:  This course is presented in two units using discussion and case-study methods.  The first unit provides an overview of history, evolution of public land laws and policies, description of legal issues, and explanation of how current Congressional and Agency/Bureau decisions affect lands and realty administration.  The second unit reviews various technical tools and processes to help participating managers support and evaluate staff specialist performance in solving lands- and realty-related issues in their units.  All BLM state and field level managers with realty program responsibilities are the targeted participants for this course.

The BLM National Training Center (, Lands and Realty Program, or Natural Resources Distance Learning Consortium ( offer courses for program managers in other resource areas and technical staff specialists responsible for execution of lands and related activities at the district level.

Manual/Handbook Sections Affected:  None.

Coordination:  The Division of Lands, Realty and Cadastral Survey prepared this Instruction Memorandum with input from the National Training Center (NTC).

Contacts:  The BLM NTC Training Coordinator for this course is Mary Jo Yoas at (602) 906-5533 or  Please direct questions pertaining to the technical aspects of the course to Kim Berns, Chief, Division of Lands, Realty and Cadastral Survey at (202) 912-7350 or



Signed by:                                                                   Authenticated by:

Timothy R. Spisak                                                      Robert M. Williams

Acting, Assistant Director                                          Division of IRM Governance,WO-560

Minerals and Realty Management

Fiscal Year