Facility Compliance Management and Tracking of Compliance Assessment Safety, Health and the Environment (CASHE) Findings; DD: 07/29/2011

IM 2011-119
Instruction Memorandum

UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIORBUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENTWashington, DC 20240http://www.blm.gov May 26, 2011 In Reply Refer To:1112, 1703 (850) P EMS TRANSMISSION 05/31/2011Instruction Memorandum No. 2011-119Expires:  09/30/2012 To:                   ADs, SDs and CDsFrom:               Assistant Director, Business and Fiscal Resources         Subject:           Facility Compliance Management and Tracking of Compliance Assessment – Safety, Health and the Environment (CASHE) Findings       DD:  07/29/2011      Program Area:  Facility Compliance and SafetyPurpose:  The purpose of this Instruction Memorandum (IM) is to request status updates from the Washington Office, State Offices, and National Centers to provide on the implementation status of recommendations and corrective actions resulting from their CASHE audits.  This information will be used to identify projects for Deferred Maintenance CASHE Corrective Action funding in Fiscal Year (FY) 2013.  The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will make use of this data to:  measure facility compliance in the areas of performance of the BLM’s organizational units, risk related to facility compliance, future funding, policy, and training needs. Policy/Action:  Updating Status of CASHE Recommendations/Corrective ActionsOrganizational units that have had a CASHE audit between October 2004 and March 2011 are asked to update the status of those recommendations/corrective actions on the spreadsheets that will be emailed separately by the State Office Safety Manager, Hazardous Material Program Lead, or Radio Program Lead. Each organizational unit is to submit the completed CASHE status update spreadsheet to the CASHE contractor with a copy to their State Office Safety Manager, HAZMAT Program Lead, and Radio Program Lead.  The status of recommendations/corrective actions for CASHE audits completed during the period April 2011, through June 2011 will be from the reports prepared for those audits. Please note that the instructions for completion of the FY 2011 CASHE status update clarify that, in addition to addressing the recommendations, a CASHE Corrective Action may be considered complete under one of the following conditions:(1)  If a properly completed Hazard Abatement Plan is prepared and approved in accordance with BLM Handbook 1112-1, Safety and Health Management, and appropriate interim hazard mitigation measures have been implemented.  (Note:  If an office or center indicates a finding is completed because a Hazard Abatement Plan has been prepared, a copy of the Plan must be submitted with the completed CASHE status update spreadsheet.  Failure to provide a properly completed Plan will result in those findings being listed as incomplete.  The instructions for completion of the CASHE status update spreadsheet provide additional details.); or(2)  If the corrective action is under design or is programmed for construction during the current or next FY.Implementation of CASHE Recommendations/Corrective ActionsConsistent with available budget resources and other programmatic concerns, organizational units are to implement CASHE recommendations/corrective actions and/or request funding for implementation within one year of their audit. Timeframe:  Please return the updated spreadsheets to the CASHE contractor by July 29, 2011. Please note that organizational units that do not respond by July 29, 2011, will:  have their corrective actions shown as incomplete; negatively affect the FY 2011 CASHE facility compliance performance measure; and be ineligible for deferred maintenance funding for CASHE Corrective Actions.Budget Impact:  None.Background:  In FY 2010, 92 percent of the BLM’s organizational units were rated in good safety, health, and environmental condition.  This performance was based on information received in response to IM No. 2010-139, which asked the Field to update the status of incomplete CASHE findings. Criteria for Annual CASHE Performance Rating:  FY 2011 is the third year that findings from Radio Infrastructure (RI) CASHE audits are included in the determination of whether or not an organizational unit is rated in good safety, health, and environmental condition.  The BLM’s National Radio Communication Branch (FA-350) and the Business Resources Division (WO-850) have been performing RI CASHE audits since the beginning of FY 2008.  The criteria for determining if an organizational unit is rated in “good safety, health, and environmental condition” is defined as:

  • In FY 2011 three or less incomplete high priority RI CASHE findings and zero traditional CASHE findings.
  • In FY 2012 two or less incomplete high priority RI CASHE findings and zero traditional CASHE findings.
  • In FY 2013 one or less incomplete high priority RI CASHE findings and zero traditional CASHE findings.
  • In FY 2014 and subsequent years zero high priority CASHE findings of any type.

The performance goal for FY 2011 is that 93 percent of the BLM organizational units be rated in good safety, health, and environmental condition. Manual/Handbook Sections Affected:  None.Coordination:  The BLM Safety Office (WO-740), the Division of Business Resources (WO 850), and the Office Fire and Aviation Policy (WO-400).Contact:  Ken Morin, Branch of Architecture and Engineering Services (OC-670), National Operations Center, at (303) 236-6418.  Signed by:                                                       Authenticated by:Janine Velasco                                                Robert M. WilliamsAssistant Director                                           Division of IRM Governance,WO-560Business and Fiscal Resources


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