Upgraded Stewardship Contracting Information Database (SCID) Version 3.0

IM 2011-069
Instruction Memorandum



February 10, 2011


In Reply Refer To:

1730, 5000 (270) P



Instruction Memorandum No. 2011-069

Expires:  09/30/2012



All Washington Office and Field Office Officials


Assistant Director, Renewable Resources and Planning


Upgraded Stewardship Contracting Information Database (SCID) Version 3.0

Program Area:  Forests and Woodlands Management, Wildlife, Fisheries and Riparian Management, Fuels Management and Range Management.

Purpose:  The purpose of this Instruction Memorandum (IM) is to designate the Bureau of Land Management’s re-designed Stewardship Contracting Information Database (SCID) Version 3.0 as the Bureau’s database for managing information about Stewardship contracts and agreements.

Policy/Action:  The new version of SCID is to be used by all field personnel who administer Stewardship contracts or agreements acting as contracting officer’s authorized  representative (COR), project inspector (PI), or others helping the COR or PI.  Before using the new SCID, personnel will be required to take an on-line training through DOILearn.  Requests for the training will follow the normal DOI Learn process; however, students will not have to request supervisor approval since this is an on-line training product.  Current SCID users will be allowed immediate access to the training database to practice what they learn in the training.  New SCID users will need to submit a request to their state stewardship lead for access to the training database one week in advance of taking the DOILearn training.  When a user completes the training, they will need to notify their state lead and be added to the SCID production database list of authorized editors.  

Timeframe:  The training for the new version of SCID will be available for use on Tuesday, February 22, 2011.  The new database will be deployed on approximately the same date.

Budget Impact:  Implementing this request has minimal budget implications, and will improve the tracking and data management of Stewardship contracting projects. 

Background:  In November, 2008, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) issued the report GAO-09-23 “Use of Stewardship Contracting is Increasing but Agencies Could Benefit from Better Data and Contracting Strategies.”  Recommendations 2 & 3 of this report focused on improved data management of Stewardship contracts and agreements.  In response to these recommendations, the BLM created a web-based upgrade of the SCID.  User requirements were gathered from the existing users of SCID by working with a team of user representatives from the field offices, state offices, National Operations Center (NOC) and the Washington Office.  As the development team worked, they consulted users and business owners to ensure that the database developed would meet their needs.  The development team also worked with the National Training Center to develop a state of the art online training package, which will be available to users through DOILearn.

Manual/Handbook Sections Affected:  None.

Coordination:  This IM was coordinated with the Division of Forests and Woodlands (WO-270), the National Operations Center – Division of Resource Services (OC-580) and the Oregon State Office – Division of Management Service (OR-950). 

Contacts:  Additional information is available by contacting James Bowmer, DOI-BLM National Stewardship Coordinator at 202-912-7247 or Dick Watson, National SCID Data Steward/Forester at 303-236-0158.


Signed by:                                                       Authenticated by:

Edwin L. Roberson                                         Robert M. Williams

Assistant Director                                           Division of IRM Governance,WO-560

Renewable Resources and Planning

Fiscal Year