This Policy is Inactive
Expired on:

Transmittal of:  (1) “Processing Worksheet:  Lien Holder Notice of Interest in Base Property and/or BLM Grazing Authorization,” and (2) “Investing in Range Improvements on Public Lands:  Fact Sheet”

IM 2011-002
Instruction Memorandum


October 1, 2010


In Reply Refer To:
4100 (220) P


Instruction Memorandum No. 2011-002
Expires:  09/30/2012

To: All State Directors (Except Eastern States and Alaska)

From: Assistant Director, Renewable Resources and Planning

Subject: Transmittal of:  (1) “Processing Worksheet:  Lien Holder Notice of Interest in Base Property and/or BLM Grazing Authorization,” and (2) “Investing in Range Improvements on Public Lands:  Fact Sheet”

Program Area:  Livestock Grazing Administration.

Purpose:  This Instruction Memorandum (IM) transmits a worksheet to be used by Bureau of Land Management (BLM) staff to process notices submitted to the BLM by lenders who claim a security interest in base property and/or a grazing authorization.  Using this worksheet will help ensure that the information provided by these notices is sufficient and appropriate to meet the BLM’s regulatory and administrative needs.  This IM also transmits a fact sheet on public land range improvements that explains what rights grazing operators have to compensation for the adjusted value of their interest in authorized permanent structural range improvements, among other things.

Lien Holder Notices

Obtaining operational loans is a common business practice of ranchers and farmers.  Consistent with the Taylor Grazing Act of 1934, the BLM acknowledges that lenders will accept a rancher’s BLM-issued permit or lease as security for a loan intended to further the rancher’s livestock operation.  The grazing regulations at 43 CFR § 4130.9 require that the BLM renew permits and leases that have been pledged as security for loans, provided the permittee or lessee has complied with the grazing regulations.  Such renewal will be in accordance with other applicable laws and regulations.  43 CFR § 4110.2-3(c) provides that the BLM will not allow a transfer of grazing preference from base property without the written consent of known base property encumbrance holders.  “Base property” is defined at 43 CFR 4100.0-5.  In addition, the BLM must provide known lien holders with proposed grazing decisions that affect them (see 43 § CFR 4160.1(a)).

For these reasons, the BLM accepts notices from lenders of their security interest in base property and/or the associated grazing permit or lease, and files these notices in the pertinent operator case records.  The BLM’s grazing operator case records are a component of a Privacy Act protected system of records (LLM-2 “Rangeland Management System”).  This IM transmits a worksheet to be used to ensure that the lien holder notices that the BLM receives include only the information that the BLM needs to fulfill its regulatory responsibilities as described above.

Range Improvements 

Range improvements are authorized physical modifications or treatments that are designed to improve production of forage; change vegetation composition; control patterns of use; provide water; stabilize soil and water conditions; and, restore, protect, and improve the conditions of the rangeland ecosystems to benefit livestock, wild horses and burros, and fish and wildlife.  They include, but are not limited to, structures, vegetation treatment projects, and use of mechanical devices or modifications achieved through mechanical means (43 CFR § 4100.0-5).  The BLM authorizes and constructs range improvement projects on public lands to further multiple-use management objectives established in land use plans and activity plans.  The BLM, grazing operators, and other persons, organizations, and government entities can individually or collectively fund or contribute labor or materials to the cooperative construction of range improvements.  A contribution to partially or completely fund an improvement may enable the BLM to authorize a project that otherwise could not have been built.  In certain circumstances, grazing operators have rights to compensation for the adjusted value of their interest in permanent structural range improvements (see 43 U.S.C. 1752(g)).  The BLM has developed a fact sheet that explains these rights for grazing operators, lenders, and the public.


  1. Upon receipt of a notice of lien on, or security interest in, base property and/or an associated grazing permit or lease, field offices are directed to employ the newly- developed Form 4110-5:  “Processing Worksheet:  Lien Holder Notice of Interest in Base Property and/or BLM Grazing Authorization” (Attachment 1).  Follow the instructions on the worksheet to determine if the notice may be processed as received or returned to the lender for correction and resubmission.  This form is posted on the BLM’s internal forms website (
  2. During discussions with grazing operators regarding the funding of the initial construction of range improvement projects, advise them regarding their interest in range improvements to which they have contributed.  For purposes of providing this advice, you may use and distribute the attached BLM fact sheet:  “Investing in Range Improvements on Public Lands” (Attachment 2).  This fact sheet will be posted on the BLM’s public website at:
  3. These attachments may be provided to grazing operators, lenders, and other members of the public.

Timeframe:  This policy is effective immediately.

Budget Impact:  None.

Manual/Handbook Sections Affected:  The direction in this IM will be incorporated into H-4110-1 and H-4120-1.

Coordination:  Division of Public Affairs (WO-610), Division of Resource Services (OC-535), Division of Business Services (OC-600), Office of the Solicitor, Division of Land and Water Resources.

Contact:  Please contact Rob Roudabush at 202-785-6569, or Bob Bolton at 202-912-7204; Division of Rangeland Resources (WO-220).


Signed by:                                                       Authenticated by:

Richard Hanes                                                Robert M. Williams

Acting, Assistant Director                              Division of IRM Governance,WO-560

Renewable Resources and Planning


2 Attachments

1 – BLM Form 4110-5:  Processing Worksheet: Lien Holder Notice of Interest in Base Property and/or BLM Grazing Authorization (1 p)

        2 – BLM Fact Sheet:  Investing in Range Improvements on Public Lands (3 pp)


Fiscal Year