Completion of the National Scenic and Historic Trails Manual Series and Request for Team Nominations; DD: 7/23/2010

IM 2010-154
Instruction Memorandum

UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIORBUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENTWASHINGTON, D.C. 20240http://www.blm.govJuly 8, 2010In Reply Refer To:6250/6260 (170) P EMS TRANSMISSION 07/12/2010Instruction Memorandum No. 2010-154Expires:   09/30/2011To:        Assistant Directors, State Directors, and Center DirectorsFrom:        Director, National Landscape Conservation System and Community PartnershipsSubject:    Completion of the National Scenic and Historic Trails Manual Series and Request for Team Nominations         DD:  7/23/2010Program Area:  National Landscape Conservation System (NLCS) and supporting programs including Recreation and Visitor Services and Cultural ResourcesPurpose:  This Instruction Memorandum (IM) details the completion of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) National Scenic and Historic Trails (NSHT) Manual Series and solicits nominations for members to the NSHT Manual Series team.  The efforts of the NSHT Manual Series team will result in the first unified policy for the BLM NSHT program.  The NSHT Manual Series will address the inventory, planning, and management for NSHT.  Policy/Action:  This IM requires a consolidated response from each State Office and Center on nominations for members to serve on the NSHT Manual Series team.  Responses should include the re-nomination of existing team members to confirm support for their continued participation.  Team members should anticipate travel twice each year to attend policy development meetings.  Workload associated with this project includes meetings, conference calls, document review and comment, and participation in addressing comments.  Nomination information is found in Attachment 1.  Please include the information on Attachment 1 for each nominee in the consolidated response for each state.  A list of NSHT Manual Series team members who have served on the team between 2008 to present is included as Attachment 2.  Project team membership will include core members, satellite members, and management advisors. This project will use and benefit from the guidance of the newly established NLCS Management Advisory Team.  A wide range of programs will be represented on the NSHT Manual Series team, including resources and resource uses as well as supporting programs including planning, public affairs, engineering, and data management.  See Attachment 2 for types of expertise sought.  To ensure consistency with BLM’s various program policies, coordination will occur throughout this project with standing BLM teams including the Travel and Transportation Management Team, Recreation and Visitor Services Advisory Team, Engineering Advisory Team, and the Preservation Board as well as BLM program leads.  In keeping with the direction from the National Trails System Act and the National Historic Preservation Act, the BLM will work with trail-related agencies throughout the development of BLM policy.  The BLM will seek the involvement of the other agencies that administer trails (National Park Service and the U.S.D.A Forest Service) and State Historic Preservation Officers (SHPO) via the National Conference of SHPO’s, as well as the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation. Background:  The NSHTs are designated by Congress and are a component of the NLCS.  The BLM is responsible for over 5,300 miles along 11 National Historic Trails and over 660 miles along 5 National Scenic Trails.The NSHT Strategy and Work Plan directs the BLM to develop program policy.  A preliminary draft NSHT Manual Series was developed in 2008-2009 using BLM expertise in conjunction with the services of a contractor.  In 2009, the Executive Leadership Team directed BLM to complete the NSHT Manual Series internally and reiterated support for the project.  In April 2010, a project manager was assigned to finish the project with the aid of a team.  Timeframe:  BLM State Offices are requested to submit a list of nominations for the NSHT Manual Series team by July 23, 2010.  Please submit your nominations to Britta Nelson, NSHT Manual Series Project Manager, via e-mail at  The NSHT Manual Series team members will be notified by July 2, 2010.  The project will be completed by April 2012. Budget Impact:  Team travel associated with the NSHT Manual Series project will be borne by the Washington Office, or State Offices where funding has been provided to support the NSHT program.  Manual/Handbook Sections Affected:  None.Coordination:  BLM Cultural (WO 240) and Recreation and Visitor Services Divisions (WO 250).Contacts:  Any questions regarding this IM may be directed to Britta Nelson, National Scenic and Historic Trails Manual Series Project Manager at or 303-236-0539; or Deb Salt, National Trails Program Lead, at at 406-862-2630.Signed by:                                                         Authenticated by:Carl Rountree                                                    Robert M. WilliamsDirector, National Landscape Conservation        Division of IRM Governance,WO-560    System and Community Partnerships1 Attachment      1 – National Scenic and Historic Trails Manual Series Team Member Functions (3 pp)


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